The good, the better and the sad...

Dec 16, 2011 06:33

Due to financial and time reasons I won't be sending out the Christmas cards this year, they simply won't get there on time, sorry to everyone who left addresses and such :( Hoping you have a happy holidays though *hugs all round* next year I'll be more organised *nods*

Yesterday was a rollercoaster of emotions for me. I'd had a good review at work, which was handy because I've also got an interview next week for a position in Manchester, more news to come as I get it.

Then last night, at around 2015, we got the inevitable phonecall about my aunt, she passed away after a long battle with cancer, we knew it wasn't going to be too long but it still hurts...*curls up tight*

Rest in peace Auntie Gaynor...

family, job, death

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