Of ups and downs

Mar 04, 2011 20:44

It's been a funny old week mentally, spent most of Monday worrying about finances and such, moving money around so I can afford Confuzzled this year and just generally going through the usual 'stuff to sort out this month' stage, which involved a little worry but eventually realising that maybe things were possible after all.

Then I had a few productive days helping my sister move house, she's now settled and such and I managed to get in a couple of gym sessions and a circuit session last night, after which I was feeling fantastic as I could feel the fitness levels getting much better.

Then today happened, it's been a bit of a slug of a day and I felt exhausted, I had a slight anxiety moment upon receiving a letter from the JSA, but after some thought it wasn't as bad as I thought it was, I'm sorta proud that I'm able to calm myself a little easier these days, and I still have no hangups about leaving the job as it's given me the opportunity to catch up and chill out a little.

Maybe I just need more sleep or something, it's been a busy week, at least next week I've got a couple of interviews - crossing my fingers for those :)

weight loss, work, life

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