+ Ik heb The Time Traveler's Wife uitgelezen. Wat een onwijs mooi en poëtisch boek! Tof trouwens dat Audrey Niffenegger zelf een kunstenaar is, dat merk je wel terug in haar schrijven. Echt één van de beste boeken die ik dit jaar gelezen heb. Nu wil ik dat de film in de bioscoop is *crave*
+ Nog 12 dagen en dan heb ik m'n tatoeage *excited*
+ Ik moet woensdag naar de tandarts D: Ik haat de tandarts.
Day 01 → Your favourite songDay 02 → Your favourite movie
Another hard question. I have a lot of movies I truly love and adore and could watch over and over again without getting bored. The trilogy that is The Lord of the Rings has always been a fandom of mine and probably will always be, but because there's a lot more going on there except movies (books of course, animations, music etc), I will not pick that as my favourite movie.
I'm in love with all the work of Tim Burton, because his specific artistic vision always amazes and inspires me. But if I have to choose one of his movies as my favourite, I'm torn between Edward Scissorhands and The Nightmare Before Christmas. Both are completely different kinds of movies and they both really inspire me.