
Sep 29, 2005 08:15

So ADHD is a definate diagnosis for Kieran, this is the one thing everyone agrees on.

Tourettes "fits" as so far in his tics or stims seem to be less prevelant in any
environment except at home except when overloaded then the t/s start appearing when
there is too much sensory.

So hypothetically this could mean a diagnosis of tourettes with Sensory Integration
Disorder. Like his aversion of tactile, sensitivity to the top of head, and deep
pressure needs to feet.. these seem to be more than just involuntary as he seeks out
feet things and avoids others (query stim or tic). Also Sensory takes into account
the oral, such as wanting crunchy food and not liking teeth brushing and licking
lower lip (query lip as tic or stim).
Social delays can be attributed to his delayed speech as kids with speech delays
typically have lower social skills. ADHD can also be attributed to lack of social
skills. Query exposure to social interaction from young age.

BUT this does not explain :

hungry but if not given food almost immediately not hungry -binge eating/drinking in
unable to acknowledge his own feeling/emotions
unable to retain information - ex: counting, alphabet
unable to understand age appropriate concepts (abstract)
able to follow only one or two step directions but needs supervision
constantly happy to the exclusion of other emotions - one level of emotion
talks through play and states obvious - query age appropriate but what age?
repeats until response is what he is seeking as response - does not try other
attention methods
gets stuck on ideas and can't move on
seeks certain order for electronics
unaware of danger - risk taker
hard time falling asleep
wakes up early
can not focus long enough to sit still - query ADHD
does not think before acting - will touch hot stove numerous time in a row - query ADHD
accidents in bathroom -home only not at school -query small accidents at school not
pant level
constipated - query diet
plays alone majority of time in social settings - recently started seeking out one
other child
rarely plays alone at home - craves one on one attention
can not remember ppls names or meeting ppl
can not recall days events that same day ex: what he had for lunch
has to learn by action does not learn by telling ex: need coat when raining - query
that he has high pain threshold
tests his own pain threshold by hitting head and pinching self to see if it hurts
compares this to my threshold by pinching me
fake laugh - sounds forced
limited understanding of humor
steps on own feet - query tic or stim
verbal noises - query tic or stim
limited eye contact, looks at face but seems to be looking through you
avoids physical contact typically but seeks out on his terms
appears not to hear at times (like his name) but other times, very attune
sensitive to loud noises - seems okay if gradual or has warning
doesn't like crowds - makes him anxious and stims or tics, loses his control and
becomes scattered
ultra focuses- to the exclusion of everything around him
rips paper excessively - tears up paper of any kind, his art work from school,
cards, ect
does not like pj's to bed - query sensory

Misc delays which are not related to a "label" but could be an indicator of something
Fine motor delays
Weak upper body strength
listening - query ADHD related
bouncing/stomping - query ADHD related

SO, the "does not explain category" is all the concerns that would be left if Kieran
got the Tourettes syndrome as opposed to an autistic spetrum disorder...

Problem I'm having is in order to be a good parent, I have to modify parenting to Kieran's needs... if tourettes, I need to let him spin out when he gets home, if autism then I need to rein in the behaviours. I don't doubt my parenting abilities, it's just I don't know if they are the best for the type of child I have.
And where do I fit in?? I almost lost my last job because of all the drs appts. I put me on hold to get Kieran the help he needs. I had finally got a diagnosis, was setting it up here to meet all his needs, now everything is up in the air. Which means, I have to put me on hold to get Kieran what he needs, once I finally find out what it is. I would love a full time job but can't afford one if I'm taking too much time off. I would love a day to myself, but am now wading through reports and organizing who needs what. I haven't been able to find a balance because when I do finally get time to me, I'm thinking about him and what I should be doing.
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