Exams over!

Dec 15, 2006 23:56

I'm done!!!
Plus, I'm pretty sure I didn't fail any exams (well, hopefully^^).
It's such a miracle - I think I actually knew what the econ test was talking about!
Uh, and I'm sooo tired. But it's Christmas break now!
Happy Christmas break all you peoples!

My mom has already warned me that she's dragging me to my little bro's basketball game tomorrow. Even though I can't be lazy all day, that sounds fun, too!

And what in the world am I watching?

Argh, I saw A for that last time until Feb today. I'm gonna be so lonely without my roommie! She's going back to her native country while I'll be struggling along role-playing as a serf. It doesn't help that they seem to be having a war over there. Ah, she better come back - I can't go through breaking another roommate in!

And has anyone seen the Eragon movie? I want to see it so badly! But I keep hearing that it isn't like the book.

Hehe - my mom has found another way to hid Christmas presents - hide them in plain sight. There's this huge one right over the living room tv and they're scattered all over the house. It must be killing my brother and sister.^^

Huh, this new layout is weird.
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