and I walked with a smile on my face all day.

Oct 09, 2004 00:52

Why? I was just in a good mood, why? I missed Ryan Cabrera on Leno and was tired as hell. And I had to play boss for the day. Maybe because I knew it was coming near. After counting down the days, this day was here. October 8th. What's so special about it? Well, nothing actually. But it was the day something was going to change, things would change and look upwards--at least for the weekend. That's right, my best friend is home for just the weekend. It can't be described how much I miss him. I was doing really well actually. It felt like he was still here, we just never had the "time" to see one another. I felt like I could just speed down 10th avenue any time and see those damn Kerry/Edwards signs at the neighbors and knock on the door, hear the dog bark--and he would magicaly be there. His hair is long. I am still undecided if I like it. But change is always good. I need to change. Being the same person is getting old fast. But deep down, I don't think anyone changes. We will stay the same forever. No one can change us.

I blew my mommy kisses as she walked away into the crowd at the airport. I prayed her fight would make it there okay. She texted me "hi" and then never replied to my reply.

I really want to buy my DB purse this weekend. It's giong to fly by. I want the weekend to last forever. I want it to be a year from now actually. Where will I be? Mars? That would be nice.

New people--always great! I think a pound of bricks have been lifted from my shoulders. No more holding back. I am standing my own ground. But it's still nice to have those to fall back on. Meeting new people is so much fun. Different points of view, new friends you can meet from them. It's a big network system. I like. It's fun. I want the semester to be over just for the social part of next semester. Still hoping Mr. "right" will be in one of those classes. Why is everyone asking me if I have a boyfriend? Even the 8 year old I babaysit asked me. Damn, I know it's lame. God helps those who helps themselves. I guess it wont happen unless I put in some effort......night readers.
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