Thursday night we managed to fit in a flat tire for Mr. Panthy after work (he had no jack so I had to go from home to him in Cville to give him mine, which he promptly broke. Don't ask.) before magically having to appear at a child care provider's to interview her about an hour later on the other side of town.
Of course, he had an address but no other idea where the hell we were going. That was kind of fun too. She's not far from where we live, so that should be ok.
Other than a few things that I wasn't entirely happy with, she seems over qualified, she is licensed for 8 kids but insists on only keeping 5, has an opening when we need it, and seems to be more than competent. She's been in business for 15 years and people tend to keep their kids in her care from infancy through school age, which is also a good sign. A kindergarten teacher has her child there as well.
The few things that I was not comfortable with I'm sure can be dealt with, the rest she was already flexible about (she basically takes all cues for care from the parents, rather than "I'll do what I want in my center!")
She is getting her CDA certificate in a couple of months and she's had more training in emergency care than is even necessary for her license. I'm cool with that too. I wasn't quite prepared for how emotional I was going to be about interviewing strangers to take care of my child. I do like that she won't let anyone pick my baby up from care unless 1. She's met them in my presence first and 2. They must show ID at LEAST the first three times I have them pick Spawn up. I picked up a friend's kid once for her and the only thing that happened was "Hey are you Panthy here for H?" Um, yeah. No ID even.
Mr. Panthy did his homework, and even with waiting lists a mile long in this town, he's managed to get us good childcare for when we need it. He's comfortable with it, so I can be. It was so nice to have someone on the inside to help.
In less than two years Spawn will be transferred to Mr. Panthy's center, so that is something I look forward to. If he can't be home with Spawn (the best choice in my opinion) at least we have that.
One less thing I have to worry about. Now to get my less than desirable numbers the past couple of days back on track. I was doing quite well there for a week or two, now things are changing. I know she said my insulin resistence will get worse as it goes along, but damn. I'm exercising a lot when I'm not eating, and when I'm not doing those two things I'm poking. It's putting a big crimp into my day, luckily my employer seems to be very understanding about it all. Thank goodness for small miracles.
I think we're going to try for some nice belly photos this weekend with Mr. Panthy for our holiday cards. I've got a big belly. My thighs, however, have gotten smaller since the new diet. I'm not sure how to take that as I know my midwife doesn't want me losing any more weight. I'm ready to tell her she just has to trust me that it isn't baby weight. My lungs totally agree with me on that matter. Spawn is most definitely getting bigger. Youch.
But I'm really trying to avoid my diet becoming all of me. I'd rather talk about the fun parts of my pregnancy, really, not so much the health problems. I might not be succeeding and that is tough to face, but then again that's why I'm blogging it. Release so I can go back to enjoying being pregnant.
Yesterday was my birthday and we went to see Happy Feet. Not the most intellectual of movies (it's a kids movie so duh) but it was really quite fun. Dancing and singing penguins, and the rock-hoppers were just funny as hell. How on earth did they manage to make a penguin look like Elijah Woods? Seriously. He does. Good lord.
Anyway, that's an update as I've been busy as hell and too tired to update lately. Spawn is great, have another appointment Monday to check. Poor little baby has the hiccups again. Guess lung development is going on, eh? ;^)