Oct 10, 2007 18:22
Since last time, I went to Testing & Balancing of HVAC systems in Madison. The class was a good experience. After class we would take a short break, go to dinner, walk around for a while, and end up at the bar watching the scenery go by. Madison has an interesting layout with a pedestrian way leading from campus with all sorts of restaurants and bars along it. The weather was nice every day with it being about 80 during the day and 70 at night, which made for a lot of nice scenery. Yes, I went to the bars every night until about 11 or 12. Our classmates were a riot ay? Including a couple from Canada ay?
I came back overwhelmed and was thinking of dropping calc, but I realized that without calc, I will never get anywhere in Facilities. Luckily, only two sections were covered instead of four, so I managed to catch back up relatively quick. I got a 90 on my last test with the curve which is awesome.
Cat came a couple weeks ago for Marching Festival. I felt bad that we could not spend Saturday really doing anything, but I was announcing. There was a band who had some problems, first they came on the field before being announced, then their prop broke and there was a lot of activity around that to which someone asked me a question and I responded "I don't know what the heck they are doing." Which was followed by reverb and a chuckle. So, I found out that the switch on the mic had two positions: on, and maybe off. Sunday we went up to Kenedy's in Urbana for lunch which was nice. Luckily, the portion was not as large this time, last time it was darn near too much. We hung out at the girls place where Corey was staying and much Wii was played.
This week, I spoke with my landlord about a possible solution to the light problem over the mailboxes, namely that the light did not work. She liked my idea for a solution and I went and got the lights and fixture. Total cost: $11. Today I put it in and she was happy with it. It is not really bright, but at night one does not need much light to see by. She let me take $50 off my rent for the month for my time and trouble. Somehow, I don't see my last landlord doing anything like that. Add that to the improvements of this apartment over the last.