Чек-лист споттера

May 02, 2014 22:34

Оригинал взят у alexei_astr в Чек-лист споттера
Пришла мысль написать такой чек-лист. Летом на другом ресурсе публиковал, решил перенести и к себе в журнал.
Что вспомнил, все вписал. Серега gisman порекомендовал добавить штатив и питание.
А Андрей dron_nsk добавил
Fighting with LOVD ----------------------------- as needed
Driving away from LOVD, speed ------------ 120 km/h
:)), но это уже история про NON-NORMAL-CHEKLIST. Кстати, можно и NNC сочинить :)

Before spotting checklist
battery pack:-------------------charged, three green lights
memory card:------------------empty, check
lens:-----------------------------check and set
tripod/monopod:--------------as needed
radioscanner:------------------as needed
approach/tower frequency:--set
spotter food--------------------ready, checked and packed
spotter bag:--------------------packed and completed
plane schedule:---------------printed and verified
weather:------------------------information on mind, clothes according weather information
before spotting checklist complete.

Spotting cheklist
lens cover:------------------disconnencted
object/plane:----------------locked in frame
focus point:------------------engage
decision:---------------------shooting/serial shooting/waiting
picture visual control:-----check/corrected
Spotting cheklist complete

After spotting checklist
pictures review:-----------as needed
lens cover------------------connected
camera:---------------------disengage and packed
spotter food----------------eaten
spotter bag:----------------packed and completed
after spotting checklist complete

khv_spotting, cheklist, споттеры, kja_aero, spotting_khv, споттинг

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