Character Info

Oct 08, 2013 18:07


Character name: Sebast-Named by his “Mama” (Other names been called: Sebasti, Little Freak, Bast, GET OFF ME)

Fandom: OC Character. PB is a chibified Grimmjow in released panthera form from Bleach.

Point in canon taken from: Before the Bleach canon starts. During the age of Pantheras.


Sebast is around 2.5 feet long, 1.7 high. His features are kitten in nature. His entire body is covered in a narrow bone plate except for his hands and feet and face. The bone plate is entirely white. His black hand paws extend into finger like digits, much like a humans, while his hind paw feet resemble short sharp toes. A long batch of bluish hair -like a mane- extends from the top of his scalp, and detaches at the back of his neck to flow down his back. His tail is covered in bone, extending from the middle of his back -not at the base of the spine- and flows down long past his feet. Like all hollows, Sebast has a hollow hole, located at the middle of his stomach. Kitten like ears extend where normal human ears would be, greenish-blue in nature. His eyes shine a brilliant blue.

Personality: Sebast was not taught proper English, and thus speaks in 3rd person. Calling himself Sebast instead of “I” and “me” and others in example as “Mister”, “Missies”, “Mister boy”, and “Funny man.” Even after learning someone’s name he rarely calls them by it. Sebast is very playful - often too playful - hyperactive, and excessively childish. His kitten appeal makes him attracted to shiny objects, string, hair that looks like string, and anything else that may seem like a toy. He’s not violent at all, but often scratches or bites if scared, upset, about to cry, or just playing around.

Often faceglomping people, Sebast will ‘steal’ things if he likes them, wanting things he cannot have, sometimes returning them if scolded by someone, or caught in the process. He is often always caught stealing things, as like any cat he is stealth, but his insatiable giggling often gives him away. This young kitten is very curious, getting himself into trouble more times than he can count. At first he may come off shy, other times rushing right into those dangerous situations without thinking. It’s all on what Sebast sees in a person’s appearance.

He doesn’t listen to people, but can be swayed to listen with an authoritative tone or aura, or bribery of something he wants or interests him. He’ll listen if he becomes scared and -given the chance- run from the situation. Sebast listens to his inner flight instincts than fight. He’ll only attack something if they harm someone he cares about, but only as a distraction or a small chance of pain, but not full fledge attacking.

His only weakness, is red things, including blood. Sebast has an unhealthy obsession with red things. To Sebast red equals warmth, comfort, and pleasure. He’ll do almost anything to obtain such beautiful red things.

Sebast is very weak compared to other beings. It is mostly his speed while running that keeps him alive. He contains no powers at all save for small energy extraction of souls like other Hollows, but is unable to pull souls from living bodies.

History: Around the time Grimmjow -another panther in Las Noches- morphed into an individual panther-like Hollow, other panthera was formed around the same time. Given no name, no home, and no shelter, the young kitten found himself lost and scared. He followed others of his kind, other Adjuchas, around Las Noches, eating scrapes and pieces of meat along his way. He was never given the souls and energy needed to transform and progress further than an Adjuchas class Hollow.

A group of Adjuchas, looking to further their power, attacked his small group, rendering them useless and dying. Hunger issued shortly after, his very persona the only witness to the massive and traumatizing attack, watching his ‘friends’ and group being devoured before his eyes. Such a horrifying event tore his mind to pieces, repressing that memory into the back of his mind. Wishing to save such a creature, one of his group members opened a small dimensional gateway and shoved his huddling, trembling body through.

Scared and lost once more, without a memory of where he came from, Sebast had been pushed into the human world, traveling the very streets and sewers to survive. Rats became his meals, water his thirst. Unknown about his exact whereabouts, Sebast soon grew curious, as any feline would, and traveled up to the surface, watching the humans walk by, noticing their curious natures, they way they talked and greeted and began to learn slowly, how to speak. Without proper teaching of the English language, Sebast learned only his name and other terms to form sentences.

Feeling confident, Sebast moved higher, finding the roofs to be a more suitable perch, continuing to watch until his confidence grew to the point where he wanted to interact with them. All of his confrontations were met with dismay. Human minds were often scared of what they did not understand. A cat with a bone plate all over his body, talking, with a hole in his abdomen did not bode well. He was rejected, often thrown out, things thrown at, or beaten. Sebast was pushed away, rejected, and hurt again and again.

Sebast only receded back into hiding, until one day a massacre appeared within the streets. Gunshots rang out, painting the entire street in red, thick blood. Sebast’s curious nature beckoned him back to the streets, sniffing and poking around until he found two things that would forever influence his every action. His first; a bleeding, dead body. He whined, stepping forwards to poke at the body. When it did not attack him, Sebast further examined, finding the body warm and inviting. The blood under his paws warmed his toes. The beautiful thick red that spread forth provided him with a warmth, an inviting feeling he had never felt before.

The second; a living soul. What floated out of the body was a soul, clinging by a chain to the dead body under his feet. The shiny thing beckoned him to paw at it, play with it, pounce at it, and when he bit down, curious at what it was, the taste was extraordinary. Sebast began to eat his first soul, feeling the power within in, the strength he had never felt. The energy flowing from the body was his natural food source. It began to form into his mind soon after that. Red equaled warmth. Shiny equaled food. Red was warmth, fun, joy, playfulness.

He ventured out of the small town; his small body feeling renewed and strengthened. Sebast wasn’t afraid to chase the shiny souls that flowed from bodies, or chase after anything red and warm. Fire became an enigma, and every bleeding body became a toy and place he could curl up against.
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