Mar 07, 2005 23:17
A lot has happened since my last update. For one thing, I turned 18. How about that being a legal adult, eh? And of course with that came my birthday party, the best I've ever had and I'm not just saying that. It really was an amazing time and if I didn't love all my guests before the party, well, I certainly do now. Each of them made my birthday oh so very special and I'm grateful for them. But on to the real meat of this entry.
It's the last night of spring break. Actually, the last hour. In 39 minutes, it will officially be Monday and Spring Break 2k5 will be over. But whereas I would usually be angry and cursing at this hour, resentful of high school and its mundane schedule, I'm not at all this year. And I think that's really a good indicator of just how great this year's spring break was. Oh sure, I spent at least three nights of it avoiding phone calls and not leaving my house, but you know what I did on those nights? I slept. And really, how can you fault me for that?
As for the other days, well, they were simply amazing. Whether I spent the day in Lindsey Giuliano's kitchen or at the beach making it very clear why I'm not an athlete or getting back to my roots at the Olive Garden, I was never bored once. The nights were filled with coffee, blocks of concrete, ghosts and David Bowie's mysterious gray orb and damn, were they good. I spent time with a whole new group and learned what I could have easily guessed - that they are the most fun, the most accepting and the most downright likable group of people I've ever met. I'm sure they never thought of it as a big deal, but every time they accepted me into their wonderful group this week, I considered myself blessed. I can only hope that in the coming months, the last of mine as a Florida resident, I'm able to spend more time with these truly amazing people that I'm lucky enough to have in my life.
Thanks for making my spring break.