So, my dad's finally kicked my arse into gear about driving lessons and I'm starting lessons next saturday. I'm a bit apprehensive, but it's been a long time coming and I'd be annoyed if I missed another summer to learn due to worry. Also looked at insurance policies and jeeeeeeze, s'painful.
I've also been playing
Cellcraft this afternoon, since I'm a nerd. It's actually a really nice way to either learn or brush up on the basic biology of a cell. There's kind of an uproar about it supporting Intelligent Design rather than Evolution, but that's probably more due to how much easier game mechanics are using that method. Spore got the same backlash.
As one commenter said:
"Because a game about evolution would be boring as hell.
You roll the dice =
A harmful mutation- subject dies.
You roll the dice =
A harmful mutation- subject dies.
You roll the dice =
A harmful mutation- subject dies.
You roll the dice =
A neutral mutation- subject dies.
You roll the dice =
A harmful mutation- subject dies.
.... 4 million permutations later.
You roll the dice =
A beneficial mutation!!!- subject now has brown fur.
Subject is eaten by bear."