Romantical Reaction [6/?]

Jun 01, 2008 18:23

Title: Romantical Reaction [6/?]
Author: Mia (velvette_violet) and me (toromuffin)
Pairing: slight Mikey/Pumpkin(OFC); eventual Frank/Pumpkin(OFC)
P.O.V: First, Pumpkin's; Third - changes are noted
Rating: Overall MA15+
Disclaimer: I own MCR and MSI. My pet unicorn Bob brought them for me off ebay. =D
Summary: Once she was tucked safely into bed, Lindsey kissed Pumpkin's forehead and followed in Gerard's footsteps, leaving her sister to sleep.
Pumpkin is the new PR for My Chemical Romance. Along the road, she comes across a lot of obstacles, but will everything turn out good in the end? Or will it end in heartbreak?
Warnings: Couple bad words
Author's Note: It's finally here! I'm so, so sorry for the wait, you guys!
Dedication: For my bumble-bee, Mia. ♥
Previous Chapters: Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5

Third Person P.O.V.

"Arigato, Tokyo!" Gerard cried out, bowing to the audience as the band left the stage for the final time that night.

They made their way back to their dressing room, giving smiles of thanks to the 'well done's and 'great show's they recieved on the way.
Once at the door the band stopped, sharing quick glances with each other before Gerard slowly pushed the door open, turning around to tell his friends to 'shush' as he saw that Pumpkin was asleep.

The six of them (Lindsey tagging along) quietly made their way into the room and the boys went about getting changed. They had a signing to do in half an hour, and they were leaving Lindsey to hopefully talk with her sister.


Just after the boys had left, Lindsey knelt on the floor in front of the couch, about to wake Pumpkin up when the younger stirred slightly.
Her eyes slowly fluttered open and she smiled when she saw her older sister, until her memory of what had happened earlier came back to her. She looked down as her smile disappeared.

"You wanna tell me what happened?" Lindsey asked quietly, gently stroking her sister's hair out of her face.

Pumpkin remained silent for a while, Lindsey taking it as a sign that the younger wasn't going to talk, until Pumpkin burst into tears and told Lindsey the whole story.
Lindsey wrapped her arms around her younger sibling and held her as she cried, shushing her gently every now and then and rubbing her back.


Pumpkin was still nestled in her sister's arms and almost asleep again - hiccupping every now and then - when My Chemical Romance returned to their dressing room a while later.
Gerard sat next to Lindsey, kissing her cheek and reaching over to softly stroke Pumpkin's cheek with his fingers. She leaned into his touch and he smiled, resting his head on his wife's shoulder.

"How is she?" he whispered, holding Pumpkin's hand lightly.

"Okay. Tired," Lindsey replied, sighing quietly and turning to look at Gerard. "I think we should get her to bed. Soon."

He nodded in aggreement and stood up, the rest of the band doing the same as they were ready to leave already.

"The van should be waiting for us," Ray said, openging the door and waiting in the hallway for everyone.

Mikey left first, quickly heading outside on his own. Bob and Frank glanced at each other and left next, and Lindsey helped Gerard pick Pumpkin up.
Gerard carried the now sleeping girl out to the car, Lindsey behind him and Ray behind her.


Gerard carried Pumpkin up to the room and placed her on a bed, leaving the bedroom so that Lindsey could help her get changed - she had only stirred enough to open her eyes a little, not even realising where they were.
Once she was tucked safely into bed, Lindsey kissed Pumpkin's forehead and followed in Gerard's footsteps, leaving her sister to sleep.

Not two minutes later and Pumpkin's bedroom door was slowly opened as someone snuck through it, closing it quietly after them as they made their way to the bed.
Frank slowly got under the covers and lay himself next to Pumpkin, watching her sleep for a while and gently stroking her cheek.

The world had faded away and Frank was almost completely asleep when he heard the door open, the light from the hallway poruing into the room and stinging his eyes as he opened them slightly.
He saw someone's silhouette before the door was closed and darkness engulfed them once more but he really thought nothing of it, moving further into Pumpkin's side and starting to fall back to sleep again.

He heard a slight shuffling and then the lamp clicking on, the light seeping through his eyelids before he heard a gasp.
Frank's eyes shot open and he was met with a glaring Mikey Way.

"What the fuck are you doing, Frank?!" Mikey whispered angrily, his glare hardening as Frank just stared back, dumbfounded.

"I was sleeping..." Frank replied quietly, raising his eyebrow slightly as his eyes hardened a little. "What the fuck are you doing, Mikey?"

The bassist just glared back for another minute before turning and storming out of the room, completely forgetting about Pumpkin being asleep as he slammed the door shut behind him.
The aforementioned girl was startled awake, blinking rapidly in the light from the lamp and trying to figure out what had woken her.

Frank was still glaring at the door and he almost growled at Mikey before his face softened as he looked at Pumpkin.
He gently placed a hand on her cheek and shushed her to calm her down.

"Hey, hey. Shh. It's okay."

"Frankie?" Pumpkin croaked, squinting up at Frank as her eyes adjusted to the light.

He nodded, smiling down at her and placing a soft kiss on her forehead.
Pumpking closed her eyes again, a smile on her face as she settled down once more.

"What was that noise before?" she asked quietly, nuzzling her cheek into Frank's hand.

He frowned slightly, running his thumb over her bottom lip before kissing her forehead agin and lying back down.

"It was just the people next door," he said, pulling Pumpkin closer and stroking her hair as she cuddled into his chest.

Frank felt her nod and sigh as she let sleep take over once again and he leaned across her to turn off the lamp, subconsiously holding her a little tighter as he followed in her footsteps.

A/N: I am seriously terribly sorry about the long wait, everyone. I had some trouble writing this chapter (well, writing anything lately...=|); it's a short one, and I'm not sure when the next chapter will be out. So I think it's safe to say that Romantical Reaction will on a (hopefully short) hiatus.
I'm sorry, but thankyou so much to all the readers and commenters so far. =]

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