Title: Happy Mama's Day [1/1]
toromuffinPairing: None
P.O.V: Third
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own MCR. My pet Unicorn Bob brought them for me off of ebay. =D Don't know, don't own, don't sue. Plznthx.
Summary: May 11 - Mother's Day ...he really couldn't stay mad at Mikey Way. Nobody could.
Warnings: Uhm. There's a little bit of baby talk, but you'll
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I always got annoyed cause she hated eating breakfast in bed and would carry her tray back down stairs. It defeated the whole point so I made her eat it in bed. And yh, I always over filled to! <3
That's so cute. ^^
and I never got a chance to do that for my father.
Aww. I don't think we ever did it for my dad, either. Or my step-dad...
And I don't live with my dad or have a step-dad so it would be physically impossible for me to make it for them.
But pshaw to your mum. It's not unhygenic! It's just messy. XD lol
Hahaha. Aww.
I personally think that mum's appreciate it more anyray. =]
I love my mum though, even if she is boardering on insane.
I am cool without male influence. I hast MCR... that makes up for it... riiight?! XD
Hahaha. Aw.
I couldn't ever live without my mum...I'd. Cease to exist. lol
Yeah. I think most people can get on without it. lol
And...sure. My Chem can make up for it. X)
Your dp scares me a little. How does it make Frank look mexican?!
My mum owns I'd be dead without her too.
Aww. I love that picture. I think it's cute. ^^
And I have no idea how it makes him look Mexican. XD
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