Title: Happy Mama's Day [1/1]
toromuffinPairing: None
P.O.V: Third
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own MCR. My pet Unicorn Bob brought them for me off of ebay. =D Don't know, don't own, don't sue. Plznthx.
Summary: May 11 - Mother's Day ...he really couldn't stay mad at Mikey Way. Nobody could.
Warnings: Uhm. There's a little bit of baby talk, but you'll
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Ray and Bob would've been awesome, but this alone is just adorable. Good job :D
Thankyou so much! I'm so glad that you liked it. ^^
I'll have to add Ray and Bob into something else. =] But at the same time...this is a Freard 'series'. XD
Thankyou for reading and commenting. ^^ *FC muffins for yew*
LOL @ that icon, too! XDD
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