~Training Regimen~

Apr 08, 2010 09:14

So. Since coming down here to Pensacola, my ability to run has been shot to pieces. While I could run for forever and a day up in Newport, the Florida sun and muggy air has me gasping and wheezing in minutes. It's kind of pathetic. From 3 miles to 3 minutes. What is wrong with me?!

It has occurred to me that I actually need to start over and rebuild my cardio base so that I can run down here in PCola. It feels pretty good to have a plan.

Starting out:
M, W, F:
  - Navy Dive School PT Session
  - Follow Running Plan

T, R: 
  - Weight Circuit x2

  - Something Fun. Go surf or something.

Week 4 Running Plan:
5 minute Warm Up
3 minute Jog
90 second Walk
5 minute Jog
90 second Walk
3 minute Jog
90 second Walk
5 minute Jog
90 second walk
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