Back on the cheese topic...
As a New Year's resolution, I decided to start my own little LJ community mostly for myself.
Kitchen Stories is my spot to keep track of my attempts and progress in the kitchen. As you may notice, I've done an awful job of keeping up on it.
However, with the advent of my love for Lunch to Go, I've decided to keep a cheese journal in there. It's a bit useless as I don't know what the cheeses are but since I get to try three new cheeses every time I get the Lunch to Go, I can always take my descriptions back to Surdyks to see if we can figure out the name.
I'm also going to plan to use it for it's original purpose as well, for instance, I will post an update on our new curry recipe after dinner tonight. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Also, I made a list of what's in our spice drawer last night. I may have underestimated how many tins we need by like.......30! Eeeek.