Why this keeps happening.

Dec 14, 2012 13:18

The reason this keeps happening is because of two social dynamics both bottom up and top down.

The bottom up dynamic is that we have a totally broken mental health care system combined with an increasingly fragmented social fiber. Alienation and isolation is growing between people as the pressures of the economy and strained community systems increasingly drive people into places of desperation, despair, and anger. Where many people cope with these structural problems via addictions to drugs, alcohol and other escape mechanisms, those who are already mentally ill are driven over the edge.

The top down dynamic few people talk about is that the very ethic of modern American industrial civilization is one of murder. We murder third world peoples to perpetuate our mall and shopping center temples where we worship mammon while turning a blind eye to the third world environmental and social catastrophes our colonial lackeys perpetuate in our name. We eat factory farmed meat that is drawn from the incredible suffering of animals. We produce and consume media filled with violence, and all the while a small tier of elite get rich on the blood sweat and tears of the masses.

And these two dynamics are intensifying as the mad scramble to gobble up the last of the planets resources by the elite and wealthy of the world speeds up towards the inevitable collapse sometime in the 21st century.

We live in a decadent decaying empire sick and rotten from beneath, and run by powerful vampires from above where victamization, abuse and violence is the norm.

There is an ongoing lowlevel war against one another and the planet that is increasingly erupting in the form mass killings.

It's a barometic of how fundamentally diseased the America way of life is.
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