Jun 02, 2003 22:59
i dont have an appetite. I havent been able to swallow food without feeling like im going to vomit it right back up in about three days. I dont think im sick, if i was sick from the water id be feeling alot worse. I feel fine, i just cant eat. I want to sleep all day. the biggest meal ive eaten in three days is the nachos i finished off at the movies tonight (me and chris went to ixtapa to see the hours). Sometimes ill get really hungry, and when i get the food anywhere close to my mouth i start feeling sick to my stomach, and if i actually force the food into my mouth i cant swallow it. Im just going to start drinking water and taking vitamins or something until i feel better. I feel disconnected. like my brain is watching whats going on, and whatever part i take in the course of things is automated. Like driving cross country in the passenger seat.
Sleep is starting to bug me too. I always feel like sleeping, but it doesnt come easy. Sleep is filled with the uncontrolled imagry of my unconcious, and the last thing i want right now is unconcious thought. i want the dark blankness of a hyperbolic chamber, i want to scream.