Stolen from
ryttu3k. This is meant to be done for a whole year but seeing as I started this journal in July I'll just start from there. You take the first sentence from each month. TALLY-HO!!
July : I got this from Sam's livejournal... so here goes!!
August : Made a new icon.. whaddaya think?
September : Err... ok.. umm.
October : Very soon, I assure you, I shall be back to my old antics and extensive community whoring!
November : I just realised that there are 365 days in a year and approximately 4million people living in the Sydney metropolitan area.
December : (after HSC results) That's not bad at all - but since when was Ancient History my best subject?
January : I just finished reading The Bride Stripped Bare, and I am breathtaken.
Ok I know technically January doesn't count, but I just thought the previous six months seemed so dismal I needed something to seem like I have some substance. Fun times.