I Didn't Hear You Leave (IDHYL) : Prologue

Feb 02, 2014 17:38

Title:  I Didn’t Hear You Leave

Pairing: Sergio Ramos/ Fernando Torres

Fandom: RPF

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Real person fiction; Real person slash,

Summary: This is the prologue, just to give a background of what is about to be unravelled.Spain national team sends out emails to the guys they want to take part in the 2013 Confederations cup.

Notes: This is set during the Confederations cup of 2013

The confederations cup is fast approaching, around the world every nation was getting prepared for this tournament and Spain wasn’t any different. Going back on their records and reviewing every member of the national team for a potential spot on the team they would take to the upcoming confederations cup.

The national team officials had looked into their best men and selected a good number but only the best of the best would receive the email, then those you cant make themselves available are allowed to decline, but the chance of that happening is slim.

This process of selection and training that goes on during the confederations cup gives them the opportunity to look at the form the guys are in and know who to monitor closely for a call back for the world cup.

As much as this helps the officials, it is also an avenue for the guys to get together and bond over memories from the confederations cup leading to the world cup. This is important because when there is harmony, tolerance and understanding between team mates the game is easier and more fun.


Amongst the guys that received the email, are Sergio Ramos and Fernando Torres. On a normal basis it would be news to celebrate between the two team mates but right now they don't want to be anywhere around the training camp.

Sergio and Fernando have been going through a rough patch and their relationship has started to suffer. It has become worse to the extent that Fernando Torres might consider declining his email.


“Hey, I got one too”

Juan called from the bed room. Fernando has been spending a lot of time at Juan's place after an uncomfortable event that left him so depressed Juan couldn't afford leaving him by himself, he knows Fernando has come a long way and can handle himself but he cant be too careful. Being his best mate, Juan Knows a couple of things that others don't know.

Like Fernando’s medical history, this is not particularly a bundle of joy. From his days as a teenager, he’s suffered from anxiety, panic attacks, and Self harm and once he almost took his life. That’s why sometimes Juan treats him a little differently and is always on the look out for stressors that might trigger a negative respond from Fernando.

Football has been one of the things that saved his life. When Fernando was still a teenager in high school, his doctor back in the day suggested they divert his thought, energy and focus into something he’s passionate about.

His parents saw to it that he started taking football seriously since he loved it so much. It only took two months of constant play for everyone to notice he had a gift and he started getting reviews from well known teams at such a young age and making friends who are now like family.

That’s how Football became his stress relief and compressor, but it never went away. His bad habits were still hunting him but as Fernando grew older he found other ways to manage them by creating new bad habits that wouldn't lead to him harming himself.

He started obsessively putting things in order without being completely OCD and there is a thing he does with his sock and shoes which on the surface looks weird, but calms him down and doesn't endanger his well being.

But Juan is not ready to take chances, its not that Fernando got a bad review from his coach or read a bad press release. Its far worse than that; Someone he holds close to his heart, above anything else, hurt him really bad and Juan knows it cant be easy on anyone, especially when you are Fernando Torres.

“Dint you hear what i said?” Juan comes down the stairs and into the kitchen to where Fernando is sat at the table with his laptop, going through his emails with a coffee mug in hand.

“I said i got an email as well, i was called in for the confeds”

Juan says excited. Expecting Fernando to reply with the same excited upbeat tone because it’s all they’ve been talking about before the turn of events.How they would make it to the confederations cup and the following year to the World Cups.

“Yeah I heard, I was about to reply the message but... am not sure I want to go” Fernando says closing the laptop to look at Juan a little unsure of how Juan would react but he knows it can’t be good.

“You know I would support any stupid decision you want to make, but this is the height of your madness... if you miss this, making the World Cup is a long shot”

Juan puts it out there raw, not trying to sugar coat it in anyway.

“And if i go am not guaranteed a full ride either” Fernando replied Juan sincerely.

“Well it’s still a shot, while throw the chance away?”

“At what expense...he’s going to be there... how well do i want to perform when I would end up getting fucked over”

Fernando finally says what is bugging him. He still hasn’t been able to talk about what happened since that night, although he’s been pretending to be fine, knowing he would be seeing HIM in a few weeks is making him nervous. He is not ready.

“At the expense of your career and your happiness; Fernando you can’t stay away from your duty and let your career suffer because you would run into him. you need to stand up for yourself and do what you’ve always wanted to do and not let anyone take that away from you... hopefully we make the team like we always wanted... okay?”

Juan doesn't want to talk about it either, he knows what talking about it does to Fernando so he’s giving him time to sort things out from his end first

Fernando says looking at Juan as he makes himself a cup of coffee

“Am sorry, I really want to go but I don't want things to get worse or awkward”

“Am sure everything would be fine, just make the call as i told you too...”

Fernando looked a little shocked when Juan said that. So Juan turned to him to make it more direct.

“I know you still haven't made the call to Sergio as we agreed. So you can stop pretending now, I know. But If you don't do it by the end of this week, I would call him myself”

“Okay, I’ll call him... thanks” Fernando rushed

“Yeah sure” Juan waved it off

“Just reply the email from the national team and show your gratitude for being chosen then we can go to your place and get some more clothes. As much I love watching you wear my too small pants that look funny on you am sort of running out of clean pants and that’s not funny”

Fernando laughed a little at the joke but does as he is told.

sernando, title: idhyl, title: i didn't hear you leave, pairing: fernando torres/ sergio ramos, fandom:rpf, football slash

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