Captain James T Kirkatherine T Janeway?

Jan 09, 2008 16:12

I just realized that the acting of Captain Katherine Janeway is very, very similar to that of none other than Captain James T. Kirk - I wonder if her middle name is Tiberia? I was watching an unusual episode of Classic Trek () where the line delivery was just classic Kirk, and suddenly very Janeway. I also was reminded of the Celebration of Star Trek days when whole shows were performed and interpreted. I can just imagine how they would have handled the illusion of the mistyfog that smelled of honey. What a cool thing - this makes me want to somehow act the things out again! But one more detail:

James T Kirk
JAmEs T kirK
KaTherine JAnEway
Katherine Janeway

One's initials are J.K., the other is K.J. - hence the question - is her middle name Tiberia (or some kind of "T" name.

What do you think?
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