holy cock!

Aug 06, 2008 23:46

OK EVERYONE, GO SEE PINEAPPLE EXPRESS RIGHT NOW!!  Seriously, my two favorite Judd Apatow movies are now officially Pineapple Express and Forgetting Sarah Marshall.  YES I LIKED THEM BOTH BETTER THAN SUPERBAD SO SUE ME.

Anyway, capslock aside, the movie is frickin hilarious.  James Franco, stop being so incredibly gorgeous (except not really, do not stop, ever).  Even with long hair and wearing pajamas, he looks good!  Also, he rocked the fight scenes (ONE GOOD THING TO COME OUT OF SPIDERMAN 3), and was so so funny at the same time.  He needs to do more comedies, for serious.  :DD

In other news, I am trying to convince Pat to take me to karaoke tomorrow at this bar in Troy that he and his friends like, because I have Friday off for once and I want to go out.  If we go it'll probably be me and a bunch of dudes (which I'm ok with, actually), so I've been trying to brainstorm the most embarrassing songs for me to sing to them, lol.  My choices so far are: 
  • The Spice Girls- "2 Become 1"
  • The Backstreet Boys- "I Want It That Way"
  • N*SYNC- "Bye Bye Bye"
  • Alanis Morissette- "You Oughta Know"
  • Mariah Carey- "Fantasy" or "Dream Lover"

Hahaha, it's going to be a good time.  XD

Anyway, I'm off to bed because of work in the morning.  In case you missed it, the prologue and chapter 1 of Dark Knight fic are up at

shireberries, so go take a look and leave me some feedback (I live on comments, please feed me them).  Also, I went to visit my Grandma today and her brother was there, and he told me how he tried to go see "The Dark Man" but the theater was too busy.  Hahaha, for old people apparently Batman + Dark Knight = Dark Man.  XDDD  I cracked up so hard.

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