THIS IS A LONG STORY, BUT STICK WITH ME. I am doing a project for grad school on a young adult book of my choosing. So of course I picked something I love, The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman (which, if you haven't read, GO GET IT AND READ IT. RIGHT NOW!). As some of you know, I geek out over Neil so much. It's a bit of an obsession. I have an author-crush on him, he is my favorite of all time, ever ever ever. If I ever have the pleasure of meeting him at a book signing or con or whatnot, I will be a wibbling mess of goo. I love him so much. :DD
ANYWHO, so for this project, I decided to check out his blog, which I haven't stalked in a while (in my old lj I had his blog on rss feed to my flist...must figure out how to do that again...I also follow him on Twitter, which is the best for celeb-stalking). And I stumbled apon a QUITE CURIOUS post, from a few weeks ago.
You can see it HERE, if you want. But I will sum up what made me freak out.
There is a picture. Of Neil and Sir Terry Pratchett. Here is the quote:
From one old friend to another: Terry Pratchett and I met for Sushi in Cardiff the following evening, for Mysterious Reasons That We Are Not Announcing Yet. This is a photograph of us toasting Something Unexplained with champagne.
WHAT. WHAT IS IT?? Of course the first thing that came to mind is that it might be Good Omens related. In which case, OMG TELL ME RIGHT NOW. XDDD That book remains one of my faves ever, and is most certainly one of the funniest books I've ever read. WHAT COULD THE NEWS BE? A MOVIE? A SEQUEL?? A NEW TERRYNEIL PROJECT??? WHAAAAAT?
(BTW, I want to go to a sushi place that has champagne, wtf. I need to move to a city, for reals.)
I still haven't calmed down about it, lol. :P I obviously need to go back to stalking him with my previous vigor. I CANNOT MISS THESE IMPORTANT THINGS. XDD
Ok ok, I should probably go do some work now. This is a slow homework-week, which is a nice break. I'm trying to spend it getting ahead for the next 2 weeks, instead of spending it writing fic. XDD The key word there is trying :P