
Aug 08, 2009 16:15

I have lost the boy. As in, don't know where to find him. My phone was dead last night, and his phone apparently died today, and now I have no idea where he is, LOL. I went by his house to surprise him and pick up the groceries that I put in his freezer last night to make dinner, but I was locked out. Boo. I've been texting his friends but no one seems to know what happened to him. My conclusion: he was abducted by aliens.

I'm a little miffed by it, because we were going to cook dinner together, but whatevs. I'm too hungry to wait for him, will be heating up leftover baked ziti that my mom made before going away for the weekend. It'll probably (definitely) be better than my poor attempt at fried chicken. BTW, does anyone have a good method for cooking chicken in a pan? This would have been my first try, lol. I was just gonna wing it. XDD

Anywho, spent last night watching the Yankees/Sox game (15 innings, omg), then leaving the boys to go into Albany for a bachelorette party at Bombers. Me and Colleen made chocolate and vanilla penis pops! Since my phone was dead, I didn't get any pictures of their amazingness, but when Nicole (the bachelorette) posts her pictures I will indeed share them. :D It was fun, and I got a little drunk, lol. Slept over at Colleens, then today went to the Troy Farmer's Market with her. She has a tent/booth thing there every saturday this summer to sell her jewelry. Every time I go to any sort of craft thing with her I spend so much money, lol. Today I got a new wallet made out of those little slips of paint color samples that you get for free! It's so cute! Mine has various colors called things like: Cool Jazz, Sweet Rhapsody, and Teal Ice (it's brown, pink, and teal, lol). I got the medium size, which is technically a passport wallet. Someday I'll use it for that purpose, lol. If you want to check out her stuff, she's on Etsy. Her purses are to die for. :P I also got (from a different vendor) a cute headband with pears on it, and some fabric buttons. I'm such a sucker for handmade stuff like that lol. No wonder I worked at a craft store for 5 years. XDD

Anywho, I should go eat, since I've given up saving the boy from alien abduction. While I wait I may do one of these things: watch the Yankee game, read Deathly Hallows, or watch Flight of the Conchords season 2. I'm thinking FOTC, since I haven't seen any of these episodes yet. :DD

I'll let you know if the boy gets returned to Earth. XD
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