boy, I really hates it...

Jan 20, 2009 15:39

Let's see how long I can keep going with the Metalocalypse quotes for subject lines! Fun times. I went to Circuit City yesterday because they're closing and I wanted to stock up on dvds and such while it's all marked down, and they didn't have season 2! I was so disappointed, man. I guess stores don't carry a millions billions copies of this show like they do with some others, I dunno. So I got the last Scrubs season on dvd, and now that collection is complete! So far, anyway. :D

Anywho, random thought: now that I've joined some new Dethlkok comms as jedipanchan (that's my fandom journal, because I want to keep this one for just friends), and now I have three journals to check daily. XDD Maybe I should post fandomy stuff in jedipanchan sometimes, especially if I make new friends. Or I could just direct them here, since what else would I post about here but fandom stuff?? OH THE DILEMMA!

So work is going to be totally dildoes tomorrow and Thursday, because our kids are taking the ELA and I have to scribe for one of the kids (I basically write everything for him in a very specific way because of the stupid state) and it's going to be hard. These poor kids really can't handle this kind of state test with their learning disabilities, but thanks to No Child Left Behind they have no choice but to struggle and do poorly on it. PLZ TO BE GIVING US EDUCATION REFORM, OBAMA. Rant over. :P

I have not much else to talk about...Oh, if you wants some cool music, check out lady_lyca 's awesome new "fanmix" over hereabouts. It's just a generic mix of cool shit, checks it out! I def had to download it before my "evaluation version" of winzip expires, lol. XDD Hope you don't mind the pimpage, Al! Or mind me calling you "Al." I'm trying it out. :P

I am the only one home right now, wtf? I didn't even notice until just now, because I very much enjoy my "alone time" before the 'rents come home, lol. I usually use the time to write fanfic or read porn.

P.S. Keep an eye on shireberries for new Joker fic! I HAVE FINISHED SOMETHING, OMG. XDD

zazz, rl drama, fandom, music, pimpage, links

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