stuff and junk

Apr 08, 2012 18:47

Hello everyone! I am so stuffed from Easter brunch with my family that I had to take a nap (also due to horrific allergies, urgh). But brunch was wonderful! It was at my mom's house this year so I helped make a lot of the goodies. We had a gigantic ham that baked for hours, it was so delicious. I can't wait to have ham sandwiches for weeks now! XDD There are also a millions billions cookies and pies and candy. XDD

In other (fanficcing) news, I decided to sign up for this:

I had been eyeballing the mini-bang option committment, what are you and the due dates, and I waffled all week about whether I should sign up or not. Then yesterday the muse smacked me (hard) over the head with this idea for an SPN casefic that, of course, would be Dean/Cas. So, freshly inspired, I decided to take the plunge. \o/

However, this means that I may have to drop the crossover big bang. ;__; I haven't been making much headway with it, I dunno if it's the crossover or what, but I just can't get it to work. I haven't dropped out yet, but rough drafts are due this month. Unless I get hit with another bolt of inspiration by then and can write the 10,000 words that the rough draft needs to be, then I'm going to drop out. But I've done so much outlining/planning already that I (hopefully) will be able to write it on my own time. The dates for the Dean/Cas one work better with my school schedule anyway, plus it can be shorter. *shrug* Many apologies to my brain-twin ilfirin_estel, who I have been bugging with SPN/Lost meta for months. *hangs head*

In other other news, I got a new phone and it is AWESOME. It does EVERYTHING and it is BEAUTIFUL. *swoon* :P So you many see more updates from me now that I have an lj-app. :DD

Oh, I'm still waiting to hear about that promotion at work, but based on some things my boss has said this week, I'm feeling really good about it. I might bring him some leftover Easter cupcakes to work this week, you know, just to sweeten the pot. ;D

I'm off to write/outline/DO SOMETHING for one/both of those big bangs. Wish me luck. Happy holidays to everyone who is celebrating! If you celebrate nothing heathen! then Happy Sunday!

spn, big bang, rl, dean/cas, ramblings, ficcing, carry on my wayward son

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