fic meme

Feb 29, 2012 15:16

I swear a real update is coming soon! I've been busy catching up with homework and various RL things since getting back from vacation. Not to mention catching up on the flist. I am so behind! :(( If I missed anything important, just bash me over the head, mkay? XDD

In the meantime, here's a meme I stole from isabelquinn:

Request any fic of mine and I ( Read more... )

memes, ficcing

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pann_cake March 9 2012, 16:36:05 UTC
(Finally getting back to this meme, lol.)

Oh, this fic. I love this fic. :3 I think I wrote this all in one go, one of those late-into-the-night fic marathons, with breaks only to do research on gun-and-flashnight techniques. This was the second Lost zombie!AU that I had attempted, but the first one to actually be completed, so I'm a bit proud of it (that first attempt is still just hanging out on my flashdrive, looking at me forlornly, lol). The idea came about because the delightful OT3 of Richard/Miles/Ben only got to trek through the jungle in one episode, so I wanted to give their dynamic a try. They're all so different, yet can all be so snarky in their own way.

And of course the Richard/Miles potential. ;) The original idea was to have them actually hook up in this fic (handjobs in a church, lol I am a heathen), and said hookup was going to get interrupted by the priest getting zombiefied up in the balcony of the church. I couldn't quite get that scenario to work, so I added in what turned out to be my favorite part of the fic (besides the spooning)- Richard/Miles bonding while Miles talks about how he got split up from the other Freighties.

What took the longest to write was Richard and Miles investigating the church after Miles hears the screaming in his head. I don't really write "action" as a rule, so I wanted to get it just right. I'm happy with how it turned out, because Richard got to be a BAMF and Miles got to be rattled which of course led to the backseat spooning.



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