
Feb 01, 2012 14:24

I forgot to take the chicken that's defrosting in the sink out of the sink before washing my hair in said sink. Gonna taste like my shampoo now. But it's strawberries & cream, so I think it'll be yummy!

In case you are wondering, this is me procrastinating instead of doing homework. *headdesk*

I'm thinking my next video blog will be a sort of "day in the life of pann" where I take you through my typical morning. Either that, or an instructional guide to writing gay porn. WHICH WOULD YOU PREFER, F-LIST? Your opinion matters!


My coffee is cold now. I need to make more, then do homework, then get ready for work. I have the closing shift, ughhhhh.

i don't even have a tag for this, procrastinatosaurus, ask the flist, homework hell, not a morning person

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