
Jan 29, 2012 17:11

This meme is going around, but it looks HARD. XD

Pick a character I've written/am likely to know about and I will give and explain the top five ideas/concepts/etc I keep in mind while writing/imagining that character that I believe are essential to accurately depicting them.

P.S. There are still a bunch of lovely prompts over at the fic-a-thonRead more... )

memes, writing woes

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Comments 14

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pann_cake January 29 2012, 22:20:39 UTC



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pann_cake January 29 2012, 23:52:24 UTC
1. Most important fact: CAS LOVES DEAN. Cas will do anything for Dean. Cas is blinded by his love for Dean. Cas will break his rules for Dean. Cas just wants Dean to be happy, even if he has to sacrifice his own happiness.

2. Cas feels guilt. You don't just forget eons of serving God, even when you fall. Cas tries to do the right thing, but he constantly questions himself and if he's on the right path.

3. Cas is a soldier. And he will kick your ass if you cross him or the Winchesters.

4. Cas may not understand all human relations, but he is capable of deep friendship. He is fiercely loyal, and doesn't ask for much in return.

5. After leaving heaven, home is not a single place for Cas anymore. Home is where ever Dean is.


isabelquinn January 29 2012, 23:21:30 UTC
Miles Straume!


pann_cake January 30 2012, 00:04:56 UTC
1. Miles may seem like a loner, but that's a defense mechanism. He's used to not letting people get close to him, because he's lost so much. He doesn't trust easily. You have to torture him into being friends with you (which I am sure Sawyer did, and look at those two!).

2. His ability has shaped the kind of person he is. He doesn't question the mysterious or the unknown. He knows how to keep a secret, and how to make a profit off one, too. He realizes that death is an inevitable end for everyone, so you might as well make a few bucks and enjoy as many fish tacos as you can.

3. Miles talks tough, but he knows when he's done the wrong thing. He'll feel guilty afterwards and try to make up for it.

4. Miles is a realist. He'll be the first to tell someone "let's wait a second and think about this" or "let's get the hell out of here."

5. Head!canon time: Richard is the only person Miles talks to about death, and while they've both had very different experiences with it, they both take comfort from each other. <3


isabelquinn January 30 2012, 00:22:01 UTC
Aww, Miles. He's one of the many characters who I never expected to end up liking.

You have to torture him into being friends with you (which I am sure Sawyer did, and look at those two!

LOL YES. They were good enough friends to find each other in the afterlife and be buddy cops <333


pann_cake January 30 2012, 00:28:13 UTC
MILES. MY BABY. <33333

I liked him from the beginning, but I never expected to love him THIS MUCH. I am still ecstatic that he got off the island. I mean, him of all people! I was terrified all of s6 that he'd be killed off. *clings*

I think Sawyer and Miles are two of the people on the island least likely to make friends because of their personalities, but maybe that's what brought them together. I adore them.


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pann_cake January 30 2012, 02:47:24 UTC
1. John Watson is loyal to a fault. He'll go up against anyone and anything to protect the people he loves (read: Sherlock). This makes him ridiculously noble and self-sacrificing, yet he still doesn't believe he deserves that kind of loyalty in return.

2. John is Sherlock's buffer to the regular world. Not only is he Sherlock's moral compass (Not good?/A bit not good.) he's the funnel through which the rest of the world sees Sherlock as he does, rather than just Sherlock's ego.

3. When under stress, John reverts to his military training. He does this subconsciously (his limp and tremor going away once he's active), but he also relies on it when he doesn't know how else to deal with something (like when he did the military turn at Sherlock's grave).

4. John is a patient man, most of the time. He can put up with the majority of Sherlock's quirks and experiments. He only loses his temper when he thinks Sherlock is being particularly/deliberately cut off from human emotions ("There are lives at stake, Sherlock!" and "She's dying ( ... )


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pann_cake January 30 2012, 03:42:36 UTC


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pann_cake January 30 2012, 03:15:38 UTC
This is so hard! XD

1. Richard is a good man, but he doesn't believe himself to be a good man. He's done so many things in the service of Jacob and the island, and not all of them have been good. He sees himself as part of a plan, a bigger picture, but not as a person deserving of anything.

2. Richard's immortality has made him numb to a lot of things. He's used to violence and corruption and seeing the worst in people. But, in spite of all that, Richard never loses faith in the power of love (*sings* That's the power offfff lovvvvve. *okay I'm done now*). A perfect example of this is in "Jughead," when Dan convinced Richard to let him check out the bomb by confessing that he loves Charlotte and wouldn't do anything to hurt her. None of the other Others (ha) would have let him based on that alone. But Richard did.

3. Richard is capable of unwavering devotion. First it was for Isabella, then Jacob then Miles. He throws all of himself into loving that person, doing everything they need, asking no questions. Richard needs ( ... )


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