
Jan 28, 2012 15:05

I have a really random question for the writers out there: do you listen to music while you write? What kind of music?

Of course I have some shippy playlists, but I usually listen to them to get into the "mood" to write a ship, not while writing. I can only write to instrumental music, lyrics mess me up and distract me.

Here's my problem: all of my instrumental music atm is from soundtracks. And they're wonderful and lovely, and work well for writing in that particular fandom (I adore the LOST soundtracks). But I need some more universal stuff. Music I can listen to for just writing, not any particular fandom. Do you have any suggestions?

And I shouldn't be such a dummy, having played the violin for years, but I honestly can't think of anything I want to download. :\

I've been looking on Amazon for soundtracks to movies that I've liked (and don't write for, lol). I think I might get the soundtrack for The Artist, because it has an amazing 1920's big band sound (this is the silent movie that came out this year, there's a lot of Oscar buzz about it, and if you haven't seen it yet it's so good). I'm also thinking about the soundtrack to Up, which I did not know was done by Michael Giaccino until just now. O_O WANT. I'll just be listening to "Married Life" and crying all day, lol. ;)

I thought the BBC Sherlock soundtrack was out, but I can't find it on Amazon. Maybe it's being released soon? I thought I heard that it was out, but maybe only in the UK. I want that too, even though it's fandom-specific. :3

So, yeah, if you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them! <33

music, bbc owns my soul, help!, ask the flist, ficcing

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