what is wrong with me??

Dec 04, 2011 22:41

WHAT IS THIS HOMEWORK OF WHICH YOU SPEAK??? Guys, it's my last week, and I have senioritis bad. XDD Let's do another meme, shall we? Stolen from princess_aleera.

Give me a pairing and I will tell you:

who is the big spoon/little spoon ( Read more... )

ugh, shipping, memes, procrastinatosaurus, homework hell

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pann_cake December 5 2011, 04:13:26 UTC
Hehe! <333

who is the big spoon/little spoon: Cas is typically the big spoon, but when he's having a tough time Dean gladly takes over.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Road tripping and hunting! Outside of the job, Dean likes a good movie marathon with Cas, to get him to understand more references.
who uses all the hot water in the morning: Dean. He takes ridiculously long showers because he knows eventually Cas will stick his head in there to tell him to hurry up, then Dean will drag him into the shower and Cas will mojo it to hot again. ;D
what they order from take out: Burgers and loaded steak fries (cheese and bacon and sour cream and all that jazz). Also, pie.
what is the most trivial thing they fight over: Music. Cas just doesn't get why Dean likes Black Sabbath over his Enochian chanting.
who does most of the cleaning: Dean, he has more stuff than Cas so he kind of feels obligated.
what has a season pass in their DVR: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Dean loves the hijinks almost as much as he loves the look on Cas's face.
who controls the netflix queue: Dean. Cas just doesn't get it.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Cas, because Dean's too busy hitting it with a hammer convinced he can fix it.
who steals the blankets: Cas, he likes to be warm, it makes him feel safe and secure. And Dean always wiggles into Cas's side anyway.
who leaves their stuff around: Dean, but he always picks it up later.
who remembers to buy the milk: Dean, but he makes Cas pay for it just because it's funny watching Cas try to buy something.
who remembers anniversaries: They both do. Even if they don't do anything special for it or even mention it, they both just know.


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