watch me procrastinate!

Dec 04, 2011 20:21

Heyyy. I have homework to do and quizzes to grade, but I just made cookies and I'm really missing LOST all of a sudden, so to stop the urge to marathon season 5 (DHARMA, I MISS YOU *GRABBY HANDS*) I'm doing this gif meme instead. I stole a few from tumblr and mushed them together to make one big awesome meme. I think it's supposed to be done over 30 days, but who has the time for that?? :P Feel free to steal for you own evil procrastinating purposes. I won't tell anyone. ;D

1. A gif that makes you happy

2. A gif that makes you sad

3. A gif from your favorite television show (TOO HARD TO CHOOSE, OH GOD. HERE, HAVE A FEW)

4. A gif that you use when you’re angry

5. Your favorite sexual gif

6. A gif of your favorite actor (ALSO TOO HARD, but I'm gonna go with Jensen for this one)

7. A gif of your favorite actress

8. A gif with text

9. A gif you think is cute


10. Your favorite gif of someone dancing

11. Whatever tickles your fancy

12. A gif that never fails to make you smile

13. One of your least favorite gifs (*does not compute* Here, I guess this one.)

14. A gif you like to use when you’re feeling weird or drunk

15. A gif of your favorite slash ship (YES PLS)

16. A gif of your favorite het ship

17. Your favorite violent gif

*fans self* lolol

18. A gif you like to use when you’re surprised

19. A gif of a favorite tv scene (*does not compute* I have too many favorite things, guys. XD)

20. A gif of a favorite movie scene

21. A gif you use when you’re annoyed

22. A gif that seems odd out of context

23. The one gif you love but never find a use for

24. A gif that best describes your mood today

25. A gif that’s origins are a mystery to you

26. A gif that is from a cartoon or animated film

27. A crossover gif

28. A gif that always makes you laugh

29. A gif that you could stare at for hours


30. Yet another “whatever tickles your fancy”

That was fun. Now back to work. XDD

memes, gif party, procrastinatosaurus

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