meme time

Nov 11, 2011 14:58

I'm feeling kind of sick today, good thing we have the day off from school! :D I will be spending it in my bathrobe on the couch, marathoning Harry Potter. The boy surprised me this morning by stopping by unannounced to give me a copy of DH Part 2, which came out on dvd today. BEST SURPRISE EVER. <3333 ( Read more... )

fandom, down with the sickness, rl, memes

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pann_cake November 12 2011, 19:14:56 UTC
I seriously have to think really hard about unpopular Lost opinions. I LOVE THIS SHOW TOO MUCH. XDD

1. While the show was going on, I was cool with the development of all the possible couples in the Quad. I loved the Kate/Sawyer sexiness, the Jack/Kate angst, the Jack/Juliet banter, and the Sawyer/Juliet adorableness. I'm really happy with how it all ended up, but I think I would have been cool with any of those couples being endgame.

2. I think it might be unpopular that I love Miles as much as I do. XDD I know a few other Miles fangirls, but I think the majority of fandom is kind of "meh" about him. I just latched onto that boy from the second he jumped from Frank's helicopter and never let go. I do wish the show had done given him more screen time, but I LOVE the fact that they gave a very poignant flashback episode to a side character like him. And I will never stop loving Darlton for letting my boy get off the island in the end with Richard. <3

3. I love the sideways!verse. I know a lot of people were disappointed in how it all ended, but I thought it felt so right. I will NEVER NOT SOB MY EYES OUT every time they all start remembering in the finale. Sawyer and Juliet's reunion is one of the BEST scenes in the show. I just thought it was a cool way to get even more stories about the characters we love. And from a fic-writer's standpoint, I now have an extra sandbox to play in. Miles and Sawyer as cops basically owns my heart and soul. MORE PLZ. :DDDD


isabelquinn November 13 2011, 00:17:35 UTC
(accidently replied to the whole post rather than the thread. Deleting and reposting ahoy!)

1. I mostly agree about the quad, but I can't ship Jack/Kate D: I really want to, and I try, but I just can't get them! Perhaps I need to read some good fic. The closest I've come is one of the share-a-Coke billboards has a Kate bottle with a Jake bottle, and every time I see it I'm all "WHY, COKE? WHY DIDN'T YOU MAKE IT JACK?? IT WOULD HAVE BEEN AMAZING."

2. Aww, I do like Miles <3 especially by season 6. He had to grow on me though, I blamed him for Claire's disappearance for awhile. But he's hilarious. I love how snarky he is.

3. Ooooh, I mostly love the sideways!verse. Philosphically, I don't really agree with the ending anyway, and adding the idea of "all roads lead to heaven EXCEPT MICHAEL'S" seemed weird and inconsistent. Why was Michael stuck on the island? Why was what he did so much worse than anything the rest of them did? I don't understaaaand!

But that's the only thing I don't like, I love the rest of the sideways!world. I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU ABOUT THE SAWYER/JULIET REUNION, I SQUEAL AND FLAIL EVERY TIME. AND I ALSO LOVED CHARLIE/CLAIRE <3 <3 and I love that Aaron woke Kate up (I love Kate, that's my biggest unpopular opinion).

And I agree about the sideways!sandbox!!! :D My favourite part of it is the vast quantities it gives to the Jack/Juliet ship. Sideways!cops is way up there though, and it will never ever get old <3


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