An actual conversation I had with my mom last night while watching SPN. She likes it but doesn't watch it in order, just sits with me and watches it sometimes. I was explaining to her the angels/demons thing, and Castiel, and all that.
me: Castiel has a really close relationship with Dean, there's a lot of subtext going on there.
mom: Is the angel a girl?
mom: Oh. Oh. Dean's the one who always flirts with women, right?
me: Yeah, they'll never go there with their relationship on the show, but we all know it.
mom: Maybe he's just in the closet. Maybe he just hasn't met The One yet, and it's this angel who just happens to be a guy.
me: EXACTLY. Cas saved him from Hell, they have a "profound bond." Here, watch this. (I then showed her
this video.)
mom: Oh, yeah. There's some definite sexual tension between those two.
mom: I guess the show would be boring if there was no sexual tension. Maybe they'll get together eventually.
I have successfully converted her into a Dean/Cas fan. Now she wants to watch more SPN to see more Cas, hee. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
Someday I will post about something other than SPN. But don't hold your breath. ;D I'm off to make lunch, then I'm going to see Paranormal Activity 3 with mom, I'M SCARED. Then will probably come home and blow off homework to watch more SPN, Y/Y??
I think I have a serious angel addiction, you guys. XDD