
Aug 06, 2011 17:30

I still feel like lj is kinda dead lately. Maybe because I want to procrastinate and I check it every five minutes? NAH. XDD

Anywho, I had my last class today for my second summer class. My next (and last) class starts a week from today. I don't even get a weekend off! *headdesk* But even so, I am using the homework-free week to write a million fanfics! XDD I've missed it.

I've kind of been in the mood lately to write Good Omens fic, which I haven't done in...maybe not ever? I think I wrote a drabble once, but way back before I even had my ficjournal. It is lost to the world, lol. But I haven't read the book in forever, so we'll see how that goes. :P

And I have some SPN ideas, but I feel so stupid writing for it because there's SO MUCH I don't know! :(( And I need more characters to play with. I'm considering a crossover with LOST at this point, lol. ;)

Also, somewhat related, I forgot to put the last disc in the mail when I left for class, and then when I got home the mail was already here! NOOOO. Now I have to wait until MONDAY to mail it, and then wait until probably WEDNESDAY to get the next disc. WHYYYY POSTAL SERVICE WHYYYY? Don't they know that me watching SPN is more important than them not working on a Sunday?? XDDD

I am rambling. And no, I do not apologize. XDD

What I meant to ask you all (the reason for this post before it got sidetracked) was if anyone might be up for a comment fic-a-thon this week? I feel like I just did one, but I'm bored and they're fun and I want to write a million things! I'm thinking maybe a slash-fest? Or if not enough people want to do that, I dunno, I'll think of something else.

Let me know what you guys think, and maybe I'll post it tomorrow after work. Or I'll just be over here marathon-fanficcing by myself. XDD

spn, ask the flist, fic

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