TV time!

Jun 22, 2011 21:14

Everyone, I need your help again! With the very last disc of Being Human on its way, I realized that I don't have anything lined up to watch next! I need to catch up on various old faves that I've fallen behind on (Mad Men, Weeds, Dexter--though I'm waiting for Dexter to come out on dvd because I got sick of searching for new episodes), and those ( Read more... )

polls, i love my flist, dark passenger, tv talk, books

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aurilly June 23 2011, 01:34:19 UTC
Can I vote none of the above?

I'm currently catching up on Fringe (am in early season 2), and while I really really like it and love where it's going, it doesn't have a lot of "fun", if that makes any sense. People don't hang out, people are miserable all the time, and there are only 4.5 main characters (there are more, but a couple are so pitifully fleshed out that they don't count as a whole). It's definitely very high quality and well-thought-out and amazing, but I don't think it's a good follow-up to Being Human. And I love love love the dialogue on Supernatural and the main characters, but it's a little too "case of the week" for my tastes, especially the early seasons you have to get through before it becomes more serialized. As a dvd marathon, I think it's kind of dull? I've tried, I swear I have, as soon as Mark Pellegrino was cast, I tried to catch up so I could watch him play another hot immortal. Each episode is oddly paced, like they could speed it up a bit. And a lot of them follow the House format, where it looks like they've solved it, but then you look at the clock and it's only 9:40, so clearly it's not done yet. Zzz.

People like the Vampire Diaries, and even though I don't watch it, I think that's probably the best bet for you. However, I am always recommending Alias to anyone who will listen. Just the first two seasons. The pilot is pretty much on par with the Lost pilot. And Jack Bristow is the greatest character of all time. David Anders's character (who comes later in season one and is then a regular in season 2) is the second-greatest. And unlike Fringe, it is SUPER FUN. Silly wigs and bad accents and juicy action scenes and girl power and FRIENDS HAVING FUN and fucked up loving family dynamics and cool story arcs and Gina Torres and the ongoing hint of immortal characters. I love it so much.

So my vote is a show that's a lot of fun (Alias or Vampire Diaries) and then Fringe. :)


pann_cake June 23 2011, 01:39:46 UTC
Ahhh, thanks so much for all the input! I tried to think of more shows to add to the list to vote for, but I was drawing a blank. XDD I'm not super picky, genre-wise, so that makes it hard to decide.

I have actually never watched Alias, so that's another one to look for! Daviddddd Anderssssss. Pretty much a reason to watch ANYTHING (I've been wanting to re-watch Heroes but I only have the first 2 seasons, lol, and I know it will just be horrible in hindsight XDDD).

I'm considering TVD, because I see it around lj and it looks like a fun fandom. But True Blood comes back this week and that might be vamp overload. I don't like them thaaaaaaaat much, lol. :P

I swear, Netflix is making me a tv whore. I barely ever get movies on it, lol. XDD


aurilly June 23 2011, 02:03:12 UTC
I don't really like vampires either! And it's a shame because I really do like immortal characters. It's so hard to find a non-vampire immortal (just Wolverine, Adam Monroe, Richard and Jacob spring to mind)! *gnashes teeth* I think that's why I can't get into Vampire Diaries. Between Being Human and True Blood, I'm kind of at my limit.

We clearly have the same taste in men. :) David Anders has been my ultimate, hands-down forever tv boyfriend since the first moment I laid eyes on him in 2003 (I discovered Alias only in S3 when it was on its way down). He's actually in the Vampire Diaries as a recurring role, but not as a cool guy (I watched his episodes because I am super in love with him but didn't really care for the character). But his character on Alias is literally the BEST. THING. EVER. (and has a hell of a lot more screentime). He's a lot like Eric from True Blood, only less evil and more mercenary. The same deadpan snark and machinations but not as awful. You will love him with all your heart.

I will stop now.


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