meme timez!

Jun 17, 2011 15:34

The rules:
1) Comment to this and (if you want) I will give you 3 (fictional) people.
2) Post this meme to your LJ with your answers.
3) Provide pictures/text descriptions and the names of the 3 people.
4) Label whom you would shag, marry and (push off a) cliff.

From ozmissage:


Out of these three, Leslie would definitely make the best spouse. XDD She is totally dedicated and wonderful, and I would love getting obsessed with crazy projects with her! Plus I would get to hang out with the rest of the Parks department and live in Pawnee! I would have to do something about her pack-rat ways (I hate clutter), maybe buy her a storage space or give her full control over the basement, lol. And we could share Ben, if she wanted. ;D


It would be the most sarcastic affair ever! He'd be really fun to date, we could go see old bad movies and listen to records and eat fish tacos! And I've always wanted to be a paranormal investigator, we could team up on the ghostbusting. XDD However, I would not want to marry him because a) he is probably not the best at committments, and b) he's Richard's. Those boys need to be together forever, so there would be no hard feelings if he left me for Richard. XDD


This saddens me, but I have to cliff Mitchell. I don't think I have the patience or stamina to date a vampire, lol. I don't weigh much, he would drain me pretty fast! XDD Plus I have no interest in vampire politics, and if he slipped up and killed someone I don't think I could handle it. :( But he's immortal, so he'd survive falling off the cliff, so it's okay. :P

From ilfirin_estel:


Not even a doubt in my mind! He'd be the most devoted husband ever! I want to come home to him cooking for me in a little gingham apron! And I feel like he'd be really quiet, too. I mean, he wouldn't mind when I spend hours reading a book, he could just build his ships-in-a-bottle with his cute pink glasses! I know I am a hypocrite for saying I wouldn't marry Miles because he's Richard's, but...Richard is so much more husband-material, lol. And I wouldn't really mind if it was a sham marriage. I'd be his beard so he can date Miles. XDD I think I have some serious issues.


I was very tempted to marry Kate, but Richard pushed her out of the running. XD But she is so super sweet and gorgeous, I could not pass her up. It'd be fun to have a fling with her while she's on the run, maybe hide out with her or even road trip with her for a little while. But I have to give her the ending she got on the show, I love her with Jack. And I can come visit her and Claire while they raise Aaron together!


I'm noticing a theme here with the BH vamps, lol. XDD I am, honestly, not a huge fan of Aidan. He is so not my type physically, so I don't even want to shag him that much, lol. I mean, I can see that he's "hot," but I prefer dorky skinny boys. XDD Plus I could not compete with the epicness that is Aidan/Bishop. I want those two at each other's throats and smexing against the wall forever! So he and Mitchell both get cliffed, lol.

girlsgirlsgirls, picspam, memes, hawt menz

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