plotbunnies + a meme

May 22, 2011 18:50

Hey guys! I feel like I haven't updated in forever! A real post, I mean. XDD This weekend was the super-busiest weekend ever, but now I am back. And tired. And a little sunburnt. I played softball for the first time in like 10 years yesterday, and I actually hit the ball! And caught the ball a few times! But I wasn't as fast as I used to be because I didn't have sneakers (just flip flops, it was a family picnic), so I ran the bases barefoot. Owwie. XDD Fun though! :P

In fandomy news, I have a bajillion ficcing ideas, most of which have been started in some form, and none of which are for things that need to get done, like vacationthon. XDD Okay, I have some vague ideas for that, but nothing too concrete yet and meanwhile the rough draft deadline is LOOMING LIKE A LOOMING THING. *runs away* :P I think I am procrastinating because I'm writing a new fandom for the first time and OMG SCARED. And I'm not sure I know any other writers for that fandom, so I have no one to like, "talk shop" with, lol. I think I need a beta. But first I need, like, a fic. XDDD Working on it, working on it. *sigh*

Of course, it would feel better if I could finish one of the other million things I have started. Mostly for my kiss table lol. Of course the thing I made for myself that has no deadline or importance, lol is the one I have the most plotbunnies for. Obviously I rock at inspiring myself. XDD But I am playing around with little-used pairings, really really old pairings I haven't written in forever (sevthebat you can get excited now *cough*), and pairings I've never written and actually posted before. So yay!

But. First. Must work a little bit on vacationthon. Or maybe finish one of these so that I feel somewhat accomplished (I'm almost done with a LOST zombie!AU that I'm excited about posting). Or, I could go watch some Being Human because the next disc just came in the mail. DECISIONS. XDD

Oh yeah, and the reason I posted in the first place, a meme. A reward for sitting through this boring entry, stolen from ozmissage:

Ask me my fannish Top Five [whatevers]. Any top fives. Doesn't matter what, really! And I will answer them all in a new post.

Feel free to leave me lots, because apparently I'm very disctracted already so why the hell not keep it going. :DD

fandom, watch for biting plotbunnies, memes, vacationthon., writing woes, ficcing

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