to do lists

May 01, 2011 20:37

I did the boys list forever ago, but my tastes always change, and I saw that there was a girls counterpart going around and got a little excited. :3 So, since I finished a big project this afternoon I'm taking a meme break before going back to homework hell. XDD

Let's do the ladies first, because it's a shorter lists. Stolen from ilfirin_estel1. Bold the ( Read more... )

girlsgirlsgirls, memes, hawt menz

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pann_cake May 2 2011, 00:48:54 UTC
I don't know who she iiiiiis! XDD Enlighten me, go ahead. ;)


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pann_cake May 2 2011, 01:20:09 UTC
Okay, yeah she's pretty amazing. O__O

I'll just be over here, staring at those pictures, for a while. XDD I heard that show is so good! I've been meaning to watch it.


mustaza May 2 2011, 00:59:08 UTC

so if I put a question mark by them and it's someone obvious...hit me over the head or something

Morena Baccarin: dude, she's the evil lady from V, you know, the HBIC of the lizards :/

Jackson Rathbone: guy from Twilight, the one who played Jasper Hale. (yeah, I read the books... but I'm only fan of the supporting characters from the last book.. which is the only thing I love about that book.. because it totally sucks)

and... lol... Kristen Stewart STAW AWAY!!! XDDD


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pann_cake May 2 2011, 01:12:52 UTC
I don't just find her very attractive, I dunno. It's not just because she's in Twilight, lol. XDD Maybe I need to see her in more stuff before I judge, lol, because I can't not picture her as...whiny.

I mean, I used to think Emma Watson was whiny and annoying, but then she grew up and now I'm all *grabby hands* :P


pann_cake May 2 2011, 01:02:37 UTC
You're just going to have to do the meme and add him! ;D

Ohhhhhhh, ok I know her. XDD And I still don't know about Jackson, because I don't watch or read Twilight. *shrug*

LOL she's horrible.

Also, I think it's hilarious that someone besides me added both Nestor and Ken. I thought for sure I was going to have to add Ken to the list. :D


knopflergroupie May 2 2011, 01:38:26 UTC
Yeahhhh, I've also always thought Zachary Quinto is gay.

Lucy Lawless was Xena: Warrior Princess, and therefore kind of a gay icon (she's not gay, Xena was never confirmed gay, but she'd sure as hell appear on a list of girls other girls would sex), but I suppose there's a slim possibility that you've never seen a picture of her.

Ian Somerhalder as Boone was way too pretty for me, but on the Vampire Diaries...well. That's a whole 'nother story.

It makes me giggle so hard that Elizabeth Mitchell is the first lady on the list. I know three different straight girls irl who say they'd go gay for her. Well, for "Juliet," but you know. Which is so weird to me, because while I think she's absolutely beautiful, I have a really hard time thinking of Juliet as sexy, if that makes sense.

And YES, a world of no to Adam Lambert. Ew.


pann_cake May 2 2011, 01:45:27 UTC
I heard from an old housemate of mine who now does movie makeup and effects, who has meet ZQ, that he is gay. He's just so damn cute. :P

*smacks forehead* Of course I know her from Xena! I am horrible with names, obviously.

I know, I giggled at that too, oh Liz. :DD Juliet was always one of my favorite characters, and I definitely find her sexy. I love her confidence and her sense of humor, and let's face it, the eating-ice-cream-in-bed-scene was one of Losts's best moments. XDD


ozmissage May 2 2011, 03:23:30 UTC
I didn't see the lady list, but honestly there are only maybe four I'd seriously be like, "yeah, let's check heterosexuality at the door for the evening" for: Elizabeth Mitchell (wouldn't. even. think. twice.), Christina Hendricks, Lenora Crichlow, and Zooey Deschenal (so adorable). And Keira Knightley. ;)

I went back and forth on Liam. His voice is crazy hot. (My oldest dude crush is Bill Nighy...GUH, he does funny and surely inappropriate things to my heart.) And I love your Nestor commentary.


pann_cake May 2 2011, 03:44:42 UTC
I love that Liz is the first name on the girls list. It's almost like we don't even have to read the rest, because really? She's the best ever. XDD DUDE was Christina Hendricks on the list and I missed her??? Because SO MUCH LOVE. :P I had to add Keira, she's gives hope to flat-chested girls like me. XDD

Hahahaha, Liam. He's my oldest, I just...can't NOT love him. I would listen to that man read the telephone book. In fact, that probably exists. And it's probably considered porn. ;D

Ohhhhh, Nestor. So beautiful. XD


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pann_cake May 3 2011, 01:18:04 UTC


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