I got soul but I'm not a soldier

Mar 21, 2011 14:55

A superfun meme stolen from ozmissage. <3

Ask me about a pairing and I will give you five facts about them or a ficlet or a song that is CLEARLY THEIR SONG or what they order from the all-night diner down the street, etc, etc.

(I edited the meme a little, because I'm allergic to Chinese food so I changed the "Chinese place" to a diner, because I actually know what's on a diner's menu, lol. Just fyi.).

:DDD I hope you guys leave me a bunch! It certainly does not need to be a pairing I personally ship, but if I'm unfamiliar with them I'll ask you for another. :P

Okay, off to do homework now.

Oh, and guess what? Today is the first full day of Spring, and guess what? WE'VE HAD SNOW AND FREEZING RAIN ALL DAY. XDDD Way to go, New York. Fail.

fandom, memes, ships

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