Public Service Announcement!

Mar 18, 2011 16:06

ATTENTION, FLIST. I am an idiot, and I thought that since The Office comes back next week, that all the other Thursday shows did too. UNTRUE. So I missed 30 Rock and Parks & Rec. :(((((( Somehow I am more upset about missing P&R, my loyalty to the Thursday shows is certainly shifting. XDD

ANYWHO, THE POINT IS: I will be watching them tonight. Until then I will be avoiding everyone's recaps and whatnot (which is going to be sooo hardddddd). So I'm just warning you to NOT leave the usual spazzing in comments just yet. I'll let you know when it's safe.

An a related note, apparently things changed at work and everyone needs to work at least one night shift now. So I went with Thursdays because I have class Monday-Wednesday, and I don't want to close on Fridays. So I'll be getting home around 9:30 on Thursday nights now (thank god for the dvr!), so this is just a general note that I'll be later than usual watching all these shows. :((((

Must go do homework now. Spring Break wasn't nearly long enough, ugh.

pawnee, tv talk, fangirling

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