don't mind me

Dec 20, 2010 19:00

I'm just here to vent about fanfic writing. XDD I am trying to get to a certain point in a story, but to get there I need to 1.) explain a bunch of crap, 2.) have a reunion between a pairing without it being too cheesy, 3.) not divert completely into smut. MY LIFE IS SO HARD. XDDD (I'm trying to not give anything away here, but whatevs) I hate exposition because I feel like I suck at it. I'm much better at dialogue, but I think a conversation explaining everything would be SUPER LONG when I'd rather the characters just sex each other already. UGH THE ISLAND why you make things so difficult. I need to stick to setting things off-island. Yes, I am talking about LOST lol. As always.

In other news, there is a tiny gross spider creeping in circles around my lamp shade. ICK KILL IT. I'm convinced that it is spinning a web to catch me as its prey when I go to turn the light off. Solution: the light stays on forever. D:

Ok, back to writing. I've missed it so muchhhhh.

lost, writing woes, fic

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