May 10, 2011 19:46

+ Post a list of your five favorite acts/kinks to read about. Check out this list if you need some inspiration. At the bottom of your post, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
+ Read other people's lists; the master list of lists is here.
+ Post comment-fic based off of other people's interests.

1. Hands. Hand holding, hand kissing, fingers in mouths, arms, caresses, casual touches, etc.
2. Sharing. Sharing clothes, food, cigarettes, a bed, etc; deliberate, by habit, or forced.
3. Domesticity. The things couples, or friends who might as well be couples, do on a daily basis; cooking, shopping, cleaning, hanging out on the couch, etc.
4. Out of Bed Sex. Sex anywhere but the bed; couch, chair, kitchen counter, floor, in the car, etc.
5. Apocalypse. End of the world, last man standing, let's hook up before we die, former enemies banning together; canon or AU, zombies, ghosts, anything supernatural.

Fandoms and Pairings

LOST- Miles/Richard, Richard/Jacob, Richard/Eloise, Miles/Sawyer, Miles/Juliet, Juliet/Jack, Juliet/Sawyer, Kate/Sawyer, Kate/Sayid, Dan/Charlotte/Miles, Kate/Claire.
Harry Potter- Harry/Hermione/Ron, Harry/Luna, Hermione/Ron, Fred/Angelina, George/Oliver, George/Luna, Remus/Sirius.
BBC Sherlock- John/Sherlock.
Being Human UK- George/Mitchell/Annie (NOTE, I'm still in season 2, so gen fic and non-spoilery stuff is appreciated)
Being Human US- Aidan/Bishop, Aidan/Josh, Aidan/Rebecca
Parks & Rec- Ben/Leslie, Ann/Chris, any combination of friends
Heroes- Mohinder/Sylar, Peter/Sylar, Sylar/Elle, Peter/Adam, Adam/Elle, Matt/Mohinder, Matt/Daphne.

Written by me:
En Su Bolsillo. LOST, Richard/Miles, PG-13, music + domesticity.
Something in the Way. LOST, Miles/Naomi (sideways); trauma, insanity, love; PG-13.
Sweet as Syrup. LOST, Richard/Jacob; getting drunk, journeys, PG-13.

Written for me:
Richard/Miles + freighties, apocalypse, by valhalla37.
A clean home is a happy home (or so they say), miles/richard, pg-13, domesticity + hands, by ozmissage

fangirling, five acts, fic

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