omg long

Jul 08, 2006 12:37

Okay, I'd only really heard bad things about it, but still. It was my first con. Apparently they decided to change the line-waiting to be all outside this year, so I got a sunburn. My friend and I stood in a line less than 100 feet long for an hour and half NO LIES. It was really retarded. Also, almost nobody was there, and all the crap they were selling I could buy like, from a homless guy. I got a bag that looks like Icha Icha Paradise though, and a few pins. This webcomic artist from or something randomly pointed to me during the middle of her conversation with some guy and goes "This comic is about her!" And the guy looks at me and I stop walking. "She's just this cute girl, goes out clubbing, and then comes home and hops on the internet or plays games or something and her boy there" Pointing to my buddy "Has to drag her off to go places and stuff." Then she gave me her card, which said it wasn't Satanic Porn. I told her it was, and she agreed that yes, sometimes it was.

My eternal rival was there (much to my surprise), Russ, dressed as Ash. His girlfriend Lake or some weird name went as Pikachu. She made those outfits the night before, but is really the most unladylike woman I've ever met. Some random staff guy came over and chatted with us for a long time. He was cool. I thought Russ knew him, and Russ thought I knew him. Lake or whatever said Russ had told her he expected me to be there, and told her all about how cool I was. We both kind of blushed. Some things you just never get over. :3

This guy ate chips really loudly.

This guy sucked, but he was the only Auron.

I didn't recognize these guys at first. They were jerks.

It looks like this guy's makeup sucked, but it actually rocked. He was really really wicked cool, too.

The guy I went with, who was going to go as Harry Potter again. He bought those glasses because we were trying to hide from his stalker, who was this short, dumpy catgirl. We succeeded <3

Talk about random. I love it though.

She was so cute, but she looked way better from the front. There were two X-2 Yuna's, one of them was way too chubby, and two Lenne's. One was too chubby, the other had a skirt that was too short to cover her ass. Literally, he cheeks poked out the bottom. I noticed this, the guy I was with didn't. -_-

Best Aerith I have ever seen. The Cloud was really good too, but his hair was odd. The Tifa they were with later sucked alot.

People I didn't get pictures of: There were only like two Sakuras, and one of them was real good. All Sasuke's sucked, and only one of them was female. There were two really cute Akatsuki girls running around with some other chicks, and either they were really short or they were like 12. The best Voldo ever was there. He had the best everything ever. It takes a real man to wear tights and a big shiny cup like that. And of course there was a really hot Cid who I didn't even have the courage to ask for a picture. They X-Men came. I recognized one of them as being from Winsted, and he recognized me. We didn't know each other's names though. How awkward.

We left after awhile since there was like NOTHING THERE except furries, and JayJay decided we should see Superman again, since the last time we went my one contact fell out and I couldn't see. I'm summarizing.

Old Lady: Lex u r hawt lolz *dies*

Clark: Ya rly. *goes to Metropolis and gets his job back*

Jimmy Olson: Lois has a kid lawlz and she's getting married to Cyclops from X-Men
Clark: wut that sux

*Lois is in trouble and gets saved by Superman*

Lois: I don't wanna write an article on Superman becuz I'm a bitch.
Cyclops: I'm just glad you're okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Kid: *at Clark* *wheeze*
Clark: Wow hi.
Lois: Hi Clark lolz I'm ignoring you because I forgot I have a kid to take care of hi BABY
The kid: *wheeze*
Cyclops: Hey I'm Cyclops I just moved here after Jean stole my exploding powerz and I'm going out with Lois even though when he had sex she was already looking kind of pregnant but this kid is totally mine :333333333333 [They don't say this in the movie, BUT IT'S A STUPID IDEA that he wouldn't notice her already having sex with Superman]
ClarK; Wow, hi!
Cyclops: Jimmy Olson doesn't shut up about you!
*Jimmy Olson is wearing a bra HE REALLY DID IN ONE ISSUE I'M NOT KIDDING*

Lex: Lalala, I'm ruining Greek mythology forevars btw how do you like my wig collection? *steals Superman's crystals and then Harold and Kumar go to White Castle*

-At Lois's house-
*Superman spies on her like a freak*
Cyclops: Did you likelike Supermanz?
Lois: N-NO!

-somewhere else-
Cyclops: Hay Lois, doesn't Clark have the right build to be Superman?
Lois: lol plz let's ignore our kid some more who's running around screaming with a bucket on his head
Cyclops: Actually let's go get food. *leaves with Kid and Jimmy Olson*
Lois: I'm going up on the roof for no reason.
Clark: Oh okay

-on the roof-
Superman: Hay baby I'm stalking you
Lois: Wtf?
*they go flying around and then go back*
Lois: I like Cyclops now
Superman: That sux

Lois: Oops I forgot to pick up my kid from school b/c I'm a crappy mom lolz and I'm wearing a dress because I'm winning an award :DDD
*they drive to Lex's boat*
The Kid: Can I wait in the car?
Lois: No I want you 2 be in danger
The Kid: Are we breaking the law?
Lois: Yes but we're not going to call the police or anything b/c I'm a stupid bitch
*they go onto Lex's boat and find his wig collection*
Lex in a bathrobe: *coolest line in the whole movie*
[By this point I was bored and started making hair jokes]

Cyclops: we have to find lois let's guess her password
Clark: Superman *it works because she's dumb and doesn't think that people will try to steal her stuff*

-On the boat-
Lex: I'm gonna make a big hair faktory in the middle of the ocean
Lois: You're a douche
Lex: Yeah keep talking
Lois: Superman's gonna kick yo ass
Lex: NO HE AIN'T BECAUSE I HAVE KRYPTONITE *shoves it in the kid's face* WHOSE KID IS THIs?!
Lois: Cyclop's
Lex: Wow, from X-Men? That's pretty coo

*the kid and the muscle guy are playing piano and Lois sends a fax to the daily planet because hired help never works*
Cyclops: Those look like coordinates! I have a tiny plane for no reason, I'll go rescue them!
Clark: Me too only as Superman.

*muscle guy catches Lois and beats her up*
The Kid: *wheeze* *kills the guy with a piano*
Lois: awrgeraergaer I knew you were Superman's kid!
*they get locked up*
*Lex does stuff and a big island appears MADE OUT OF HAIR*

*Superman saves the city* *Lex leaves the boat on a helicopter* *Cyclops saves them* *Then Superman has to save them because they suck* *Then Superman goes back*

Lex: Dude u suxorz lol
Superman: Dude no u suxors lol
*Lex beats up Superman using kryponite because the island is full of it. I would like to take the time to say this scene was very dramatic and well done. The next like 20 minutes are really really good*

Lois: eswfer I woke up hay where's superman?
Cyclops: Oh he went back
Lois: OH NOES *they turn around and save Superman who got stabbed and fell in the water but then he went back and did this cool thing with the sun that was a good scene again*

Lex: Oh noes *he runs away with Kitty and she foils his plans with her cannibalistic dog*

[Srsly, the next like forever I can't make fun of because it was so good. This set up the best ending ever, which of course did not happen. If Superman had died, I swear to you it would have started a new religion called Best Scene Ever Religion because it was great. Then he ruined it by making him live]


*Superman breaks into their house*
Superman: Kid, you are gonna have powrz and stuff and the father son thingy that my dad said to me not Johnathon Kent Jor'el but they're both ded anywayz lolz

Superman: I'M ALWAYS AROUND TELL CYCLOPS I'M SORRY THAT IT'LL BE REALLY AWKWARD in like ten years when Kid has super powers and he'll be like 'Hey, how come our kid has super powers? I sure don't, but I now who does HIS NAME IS SUPERMAN YOU LYING BITCH' and your home life will be really bad lolz joke's on you!!!!!!!!!!

It wasn't really a hobo. We parked next to some woods while I was telling this story about how Dick Grayson and Marilyn Manso were both the Anti-Dick/Christ peoples and one of them had two dead children. Then something scracthed at the back of the car and made a weird noise so we ran away.

connection, superman

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