Nov 23, 2009 01:03
I'm just gonna use this hurr journal to write about something that turned out to be pretty bangin and big in my life. JESUS. What haell no it's not Jesus. He probably wasn't that tall. Anyway, I'm no fancy writer with them fancy words and the english and siiiich, so yeah. I'm not writing a masterpiece.
Anyway, I tend to get a lot of confusion, disapproval, and all around crap/eye rolling due to my feelings on relationships. Namely, I don't really want to get married, and I have absolutely no issue with having multiple partners within a relationship. Now normally, if people were decent and minded their own damn business, this wouldn't be an issue whatsoever. But since I go on the forums and am a little vocal about my opinions, I tend to get some questions.
This alays gets brought up: Polyamory is just an excuse for people who can't control themselves. People who argue this are only looking at it from one side. This is implying that Partner A goes out and fucks everyone they want, but gets super pissed when Partner B does it. The idea is that both Partners A and B can have other partners in their lives without jealousy between the two. If it were just regular folk who can't control their sexual urges, you'd think they'd get protective or pissed after seeing their partner with someone else. But eh... it doesn't work that way. You don't GET jealous, not because you can't control your junk, but because sex isn't purely romantic to you, or you don't believe that romantic love should be confined to two people. It's not about having to fuck everything that moves, it's about trusting and understanding your partner. Wanting to share your love and affection with whomever you want, and not being bound by retarded social standards about how people should date and fuck.
Which brings us to our next one. How can you not be jealous? How can you eat zuccini? How can you watch Gilmore Girls? How can you look in the mirror and think that haircut looks good? How can you fail at making toast? It's just fucking toast! The fact that I don't have an answer for this one tends to "prove" that polyamory is just for hoes (and tricks) to some people. But I don't know, I just... don't mind lol. I saw my partner Bobby leave the bar with a girl I went to high school with, and I gave him a thumbs up. Good for him, getting some action! She's an awesome gal too, hooray! It just doesn't bother me. I have no idea why.
Polyamorous people are more likely to get pregnant or get STDs. Dude, it's not like I'm fucking the entire Brady Bunch and poking holes in all the condoms. I have only ever had sex with 3 people in my entire life, and I was very, very close to all of them. I can't even imagine taking off my pants in front of a stranger, because I have extremely dry leg skins that are horrible and scarring for me even though I've been told they're not that bad @_@. But somehow, people think that because I have no problem fucking people I'm pals with, I must be the town bicycle. Not true, folks! I STILL don't have sex with anyone I'm not 100% comfortable around. It's just not my scene, sorry. As for the STDs thing, really? If I completely trust the people I have sex with, and they say they don't have disease ridden junks, then I'm all set.
They're just dating/fucking more than one person because they're afraid of being alone. They're gonna end up dumping whichever one will give them less for the one who gives them more. I know a guy who got into a polyamorous relatonship, and it failed miserable as fuck. See, he wasn't really into the idea. He DID get jealous when his galpal was out and about with other dudes. He assumes that ALL people in these relationships get jealous, because he can't see how someone wouldn't. When he got dumped for the other person in the relationship, he assumed that all people in poly relationships are just in them because they can't make a decision and don't like being alone. So he argues against it completely based on his personal experience. People don't seem to understand that not everyone is them. Not everyone acts the same way they do. It's hard to tell someone that when their fingers are in their ears.
Anyway, rant over I guess. I'm slowly dealing with someone who is very into me, but really isn't into the kind of relationships I'm into. He asked me about a lot of it, but he doesn't get it. He probably never will, and that's not a bad thing. It's just a little frustrating...
Tl;dr pank likes dicks and boobies
polak jokes