Long post is looooo-- *is shot while making rp type posts in asterisks*

Jul 19, 2007 21:59

BACK FROM VACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA which means I have some things to say.

1. SHIT FUCK MY MOM MAY HAVE KILLED PETE, who is an oregano plant. Fortunately, all of my other plants look either in good health, or... alive. Sort of. But Pete is all brown, and sad. I cried for him. Literally. Because as it turns out, I'm retarded.

2. I thought I was bad at dying my hair because I can't see the back very well, so I hardly ever get the whole thing covered. Much to my suprise, employing boyfriends who can see your entire head, and walking them through the process step by step THEN checking their work only leads to hair even less covered. I now have blond roots and weird, darkish, splotchy hair going the rest of the way down.

3. Canadians pay too many taxes. Sales tax on food, then food tax, then beverage tax, coupled with money not far below the American dollar, and I have to wonder how you Canooks put up with universal health care. You must be big savers. Granted, there aren't enough people in Cañada to warrent the term "universal", but still. Food there is so freakin expensive.

4. I have a question for himitsu_x. Why are there so many Asians in Canada?

5. I now hate sleeping in beds. I demand more couches.

6. I had never met a person who was so surprised and excited about real sea glass that they called it "rare". Now I have.

7. Harry Potter comes out tomorrow technically saturday morning! This dye job was to be the attempted "Skankiest Luna Costume" ever to accompany the most perfect and bestest Harry Potter, which of course is BJ. Now I have to go spend another nine dollars on dye so I don't look like a fruitcup. 7_7
Plus side? I get to see my boyfriend kick some seven year-old ass in a costume contest. Suck it, friendly, innocent children.

8. I now officially know too much about the assassinations of Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley. I like Sarah Vowel, especially in The Incredibles, but her voice talking about dead presidents and all that that entails for six hours is a little grating. It was very interesting, except for the entire middle of the Garfield part, but this is because I am a nerd for history, and would have listened to anything that didn't involve George Washington or Ronald Reagan. I just... don't like them. My favorite President by far (NERD ALERT) is Teddy Roosevelt. He's so hip, so fresh, so clean. Only dirty, because he liked to play outdoors in a loopy, ~*adventure*~ sort of way, which is exactly how I feel.

9. If I see a single one of you non-British flisters go off about how "bloody stupid" something is, or how it should "bugger off", or "eat tea and crumpets" while "playing cricket with the jolly old queen/bobbies/englishwords", I'LL KNOW YOU READ HP AND WENT Gee, Brits are so cool and smart. Amrika r dum. I shall now pretend to be British, and emulate their humor for some reason, and spell everything with a u and c on purpose all the time every day, I swear to you I will come to your house disguised as a hooker and beat you to death with your own toilet brush. If you do not own one of these, you are disgusting, and we cannot be friends.

arry pottah, hello, things and stuff, happyness, oh canada, a vacation is fine too, i am happy

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