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Comments 2

openid1 September 20 2021, 05:36:20 UTC
Пишут, что (w: Byzantine_flags_and_insignia) "More careful examination of the primary sources by Spyridon Lambros and August Heisenberg demonstrated that although as a decorative motif the double-headed eagle begins to appear in Byzantine art during the 10th/11th century, it is not securely attested in connection with the Emperor until the chrysobull of Andronikos II Palaiologos in 1301, where he is shown on a suppedion decorated with the device. Lambros suggested that it was adopted from Hittite rock-carvings, while A. Soloviev argued in favour of a late adoption around 1288, as a talisman against the first Ottoman successes in Anatolia, as a symbolic gesture reaffirming Byzantine rule over both European and Asian territories ( ... )


pankratiev September 20 2021, 16:06:41 UTC
Все перечисленные выше - прекрасные люди, да и в общем-то
они - наши, правда, в строго определённом смысле!


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