Jun 13, 2009 00:17
After dinner, bought Gackt's new single while out wandering around at the bookstore. The first album I ever bought for myself was a Gackt album, and he is the only singer I've purchased more than one CD by ;A; I'll follow him til the bitter end~ (and maybe the bitter end is near since he's dressed like a lady on the cover and singing a song full of ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ faces and has possibly finally snapped). Listening to it made me start to think "gee I wonder when his next tour is? I haven't kept up with Gacktnews in years".
Turns out the answer to that question is tomorrow. I am going to use every ounce of nerdstrength in my nerdbody starting tomorrow morning to get tickets for one of this month's shows so I can happily cross "see Gackt live" off of my list of secret wishes I've always had. ;A;
if you listen closely to the night air
you can hear the sound of me breathing heavily with excitement =A=)/
other dream accomplished: I now possess a Hetalia pasta dish. I.. I just need pasta to put in it and courage to tell everyone in the house why I absolutely must eat my pasta off of THIS dish instead of other dishes :( please be understanding of my kimochi