Hi. I am Masha, 31. I live in Japan with my husband. Today I want to tell about one of our day spent on the training yabusame (yabusame - traditional Japanese archery. An archer on a running horse shoots three special "turnip-headed" arrows successively at three wooden targets.). May 2.
My other day in Community -
We live in Tokyo, this time we lived near the school yabusame in hotel, since there were several holidays. The school is located 2.5 hours away from Tokyo.
View from the window of the hotel, the Pacific Ocean.
Tabi, preparing for training.
At the hotel I did not have time to take a photo. We need to go one station to school.
Got to school.
The school used Japanese horses, the national horse breed are low, but there are a couple of horses above.
These horses are very comfortable for yabusame and very calm.
Before training we ride through the neighborhood.
Before training on horseback, we are training in archery.
Then training techniques archery on horseback.
Going to shoot at fast paces.
This time we had an individual training with working techniques once a month there is a training school for the whole day, from 9 am to 4 pm, on such training, you can practice more canter.
Actually yabusame differs from this type of archery, as yabusame arrow breaks wooden target.
Residents stables.
The school is located a very beautiful place.
After training, we decided to go to the hot springs, onsen. Just one station and we are in Odawara, you can see the castle in the distance.
At the station we go to lunch.
We board the train to Hakone, this place in the mountains where there are many onsen at the station we meet the samurai.
Arrived in Hakone.
Entrance in the onsen, this onsen is very large, and its territory is a water park.
Onsen has a wine, but wine is not real.
In the coffee Onsen stuff showers people real coffee.
After Onsen go to the station.
On the way we met a very old karaoke.
We are waiting for the train at the local railway.
Everywhere the mountains and forest.
When we returned to the hotel it was quite dark. Afternoon tea and dinner.
Read about yabusame.
and sleep
Thank you for your attention.